Good Morning Manic Monday

Living Life
on 4/11/10 10:28 pm, edited 4/11/10 10:30 pm - Riverside, CA
Good Morning calif.......Welcome to Manic Monday....

Well, here we go, starting our work week. Of course after today, I am off for 2 days. I wi**** was already about 5 pm so I would be going home soon, I am sleepy. Although DD went to bed when I did and I didn't wake other then for a potty break, and you know how you don't really wake up for them. So I have a great night of sleep. Maybe it was to much.

Monica......Is the 5 day furlough per month or for the year? We have one furlough per two week pay period, but that is ending in June. Or so they say. Its great to have you coming around agian, and hope we get to see more of your smiling face.

Barb.......I think you might live a tad bit far for me to come for dinner, so I think I will have to come and stay the weekend. OHhh road trip, I am on my way, I love road trips. LOL Be safe!

Elizabeth..........I work in the pschy ER for the county. I love my job, just hate the 12 hours. You think you are dead after 8 hours, try 12. Everyone is you have more days off. Nope, you are to exhausted to do anything for the frist day off. So you really only have to the same amount of productive time off. I am going along for the ride, so where every Steph and Linda go, is where I will go also. LOL.

Mommy AIC.......Mexico? whatcha doing there? and are you getting me anything, should I send you my address? A pony would be nice.

Eileen........Oh I hope you are able to make it to work today, and that you are feeling better. What are you having surgery for? Be sure to increase your protien, it will help you heal after the surgery.

Annette........WOW in the Magazine. How cool is that! Great job! So how did the BBQ turn out? I need to turn my tank in and get a new one befor summer sets in to much. I love BBQ and IF we go back to 8 hours, I will use it even more. I love BBQ. sorry to hear that kitty kitty is not doing all that great. Poor little thing, I hate it when one the fur babies are sick. You just feel so bad for them. I loved the movie and you are so right the book is much better. As always. Give you baby a birthday hug for me and pat him on the head for good luck. LOL..

OK time to for coffee and shower and get this rolling. I wish you all a great wonderful day at work, and in life. Enjoy your self and live like there is no tomorrow Tell everyone how you feel.

Lusty Lu

on 4/11/10 10:32 pm
Good Morning Lu and Cali Friends,

Happy Monday!  Had a wonderful weekend with the "Moms" shopping, lunching and just hanging out.  They are so much fun.  Last night was nice and relaxing and today it's back to the grind.  I hope the rain lets up a little during the commute back and forth.  Other than that, not too much planned on this end.

I hope everyone has a great day and stay dry!

on 4/11/10 10:43 pm - Merced, CA
Good morning! Oh Lu, no way could I work 12 hour shifts. I would be a zombie. I could not work in the Pshcy ER either. My husband is a nurse and worked the regular ER for years and I could not do that either. I hate blood and guts!

Well today I am going on a Mystery Trip with my Red Hat Group. All we know is we are going on a bus. I hope we have fun. I am worried more now than when I signed up. The weather doesn't help either. I am sure we will have a great time.

I went to my friends sons birthday party yesterday. He turned 6. I got him a $20 Target gift card and I thought he would like it was really cool to go and pick out his own gift. Well he did not understand at first and asked me why I didn't get him anything. Then his mommy explained to him what it was and he thought is was cool. Tillie said leave it to my son to be rude. I told her he was just telling me his feelings!

Well I hope everyone has a great day and I hope I stay dry today!

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

on 4/11/10 10:47 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Lu and Cali,

The 5 furlough days are for the year, but as the year ends in June they will be squeezing them all in and taking the pay over 3 checks.  We will know the results tomorrow. 

I have gotten my child addicted to you tube videos.  Of course she only watches sesame street, but tearing her away is torturous at times.

Everyone enjoy the day


on 4/12/10 3:18 am - Los Angeles, CA
Hi Monica,

Congratulations on getting Sisterlocked.  Welcome to the fold.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

Stephanie O
on 4/12/10 12:44 am - Happy Place, CA

Good morning Lu and California,

Oh Lu, that is too funny.  Pat my baby on the head.  I need a ladder to reach the top of my son's head.  He's 6' 2 1/2".  Considering I've gone from being 5'5" since the age of 13 to my last measurement a few months ago of 5' 4 1/2", I think head patting is long gone.  If I keep losing disks in my back, pretty soon you'll be able to call me the "Incredible Shrinking Woman". I wonder how short I can actually get.  This should prove interesting. 

Well back to work for me today.  Thursday is the day we do the happy dance.  Tax Season is officially over then.  Should actually be pretty quiet this week.  We are just playing catch up and getting all the extensions ready to file.  We are pumping out tax returns this week but that is only for people who got their information into us before April 1st.  Anyone after that who gets done is just lucky because we found some time.  But mostly it's extension time.  For me it's time to get Personal Property Tax Returns done.  I'm busy doing those now and the occassional other tax return thrown in.  Next week, life should be back to normal.  No more overtime and time for some vacation days.  Hooray.

OK, back to my coffee and work.  Hope everyone has a great day.  Drive carefully and stay dry in this rain.  Pretty gloomy looking outside.


Gus H.
on 4/12/10 1:21 am - La Puente, CA

Another Monday morning!  Good morning to you all!

I thought it was suppose to rain all day in LA....Those weather men! ughhh..
Anna and I had a full weekend....We celebrated a friends bday party at our house on Saturday and spent quality time with friends....Hopefully everyone has a fantastic day today!

on 4/12/10 3:01 am - CA
Goodmorning Cali Crew,

I made it to work this morning, but I'm pretty sure I left my head on the pillow. I maybe got 2 hours of sleep last night. I tossed and turned all night long. Of course I fell into a dead sleep just in time for the alarm to go off. So far the day is going fast. Thank goodness.

I'm having a hernia repair, at least that is what we think it is. It is kind of a mystery. So I will find out for sure what is going on after I have surgery. I guess, I should run and get back to work. Time for me to take some blood pressure. I hope you all have a fabulous day.


on 4/12/10 3:15 am - Los Angeles, CA
Good Morning Cali,

My weekend went well.  On Saturday, I went to Stitch N' ***** (crochet/ knitting group) in E. L.A.  That was fun, the ladies were very nice and they all liked my jacket.  Speaking of which, I have done both fronts and is currently working on the back (which I hope to have finished today).  I want to be done knitting on this as much as possible by Wednesday.  I plan on taking it to the LYS (local yarn shop) to buy more yarn. 

Sunday, I had a retightening appointment.  I am totally amazed how long my hair has gotten in the last 2 years.  I suspect that by the end of the year (or at least my next birthday), I will have shoulder length locs.  I had an "ignorant" loc that completely slipped out.  Chantey had to install that one back in.  The great news is that my hair in the front has grown out to the point where she can install locs.  For a long time, my hair in that region, was too short for her to work with.

This weekend, I cooked in my crockpot.  (I have not cooked for myself in years.)  I found the reciepe in a cookbook that I had and it is super simple.  Get 1.5 lbs of extra lean ground beef (I sure you could subsitute ground turkey as well) and brown it in a skillet.  Season the meat with a little salt and pepper.  Peel 6 medium sized potatoes and cut in chunks.  Cut  a medium size cabbage in 4 sections, core it and cut into chunks as well.  Layer ingredients into crock pot (potatoes, meat, cabbage****il full. Pour 2 cups of water inside, put the lid on, turn it on "low" and cook for 8 hours.
I only spent $8 dollars for the entire meal.  I bought the ground beef and potatoes.  I already had the cabbage.  A cheap but hearty and healthy meal. Let me tell you, on the way to work I had seen a sign for La Salsa advertising a new burrito they had for $7.  I said to myself, I spent one dollar more and has eaten off my food 4 times already.   The extra cool thing about eating home cooking is that you can eat a lot more vs. eating out. 
Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 4/12/10 3:28 am - Santa Cruz, CA
Hi Lu and Cali,

My weekend involved hanging out with family at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. 8 adults watched 3 kids go on every ride that would make most of us hurl. I did go on a lot of non-hurl rides and that was fun. We obtained a wheel chair for my mom and I couldn't believe she lasted 7 hours at the Boardwalk. It was great. She took tons of photos of her nephews. It's sometimes hard to believe she's as sick as she is.

Puddin', I love my slow cooker. It's so easy to make healthy meals that don't taste like healthy meals! I love throwing stuff in it before I go to work and come home to a great smelling aroma and dinner.

Try to have a nice Monday. The weather here is windy, cold and icky, but I am glad I have the day off to spend with family.


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