Pre-op worries - advice needed.

on 4/11/10 2:29 pm
Yeh, it seems like your body holds onto the weight then releases quickly...replenishes...holds on...then releases.  If you are in ketosis (sorry you may need to look that one up) it should get released.  If you are in ketosis you'll have dark yellow urine (smelly) and your mouth will taste metalic (acetone...nail polish remover in your mouth)...Those are good signs...not bad.  You will hear more about these post WLS.  Hope this helps.  Brian
on 4/11/10 4:15 pm
Wierd - I did think that ketosis ws a bad thing - ill read this again in the morning - am on phone right but need a full screen to read and understand :)


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

on 4/11/10 10:33 pm
Hmm... so as long as ketosis isnt a permanent thing and stays in a cycle then it's considered a good thing.. but if you're stuck in ketosis (and skinny) it could be bad? xD totally confused and that's bad because I just passed all my clinicals at school - (training to be a medical assistant)...too much coffee lately? LOL


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

on 4/12/10 3:55 am
I started a thread on ketosis on the Main Board last night...below is a copy and paste of some of the things I've found over the years...Google and Wiki...
Many new people don't know what is going on.  Below is a copy and paste for those who are going through rapid weighloss.  Just throwing it out there...Others may want to add to this or you can do further research.  Brian

Have you recently followed a low carb diet? After which you have become aware of a sudden change in your breath from always fresh to a smelly one? If your answer is yes, then there’s a probability that you are afflicted with the condition identified as ketosis bad breath. You may not be familiar with this although halitosis is the usual set back for a lot of people who are following a low carb diet plans like the South Beach Diet or Akins Diet.

A standard part of low carb diets is that they have the tendency to hold back the quantity of carbohydrates that a person can consume. As an alternative, the person is suggested to dine with foods containing mostly proteins.

Incidentally, carbohydrates are what invigorate our bodies and gives its energy. Once the body has a little supply of carbohydrates to burn, as a substitute, it turns to fat stockpile and utilizes them up for energy. This process is called ketosis.

In the course of ketosis the body makes use of more water than it is normally necessary. Consequently, this can decrease the levels of the saliva in your mouth and can lead to dehydration. This is an important fact since dried out mouth is the number one aspect that can produce oral bacteria and make them grow excessively resulting to halitosis.

To boot, for the period of ketosis, a particular chemicals called ketones are discharged. These ketones can disturb your body's ph balance, and yet again resulting in a bout of foul smelling breath.
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Antonio Coirin, M.D. RNY (10/09/06) Member Since: 10/14/06
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Below is another copy and paste...some of the same stuff...I think it is funny that ketones releases acetone...Your breath will smell like lighter fluid.

Ketones are a normal byproduct of fat metabolism (the breaking down of fat into energy). Normally, your body is efficient at removing these, but when certain enzymes are absent or damaged, the concentration of ketones in the body can build up. Ketosis indicates a blood ketone concentration between 0.3 and 7.0 mmol/L and ketoacidosis reflects levels of 7.0 mmol/L or higher. Ketoacidosis gets its name because high blood ketone levels lower the pH of your blood to 7.3 or lower. Severe and/or prolonged cases of ketoacidosis can lead to coma and death if not properly treated.

Certain individuals are predisposed towards ketosis or ketoacidosis. For example, those with diabetes have insufficient insulin levels and their bodies have difficulty processing glucose (sugar). If a diabetic does not alter his or her diet to reduce sugar intake and/or take additional insulin, their body will break down fat, leading to a rise in ketone levels. The complexities of diabetes and ketoacidosis are beyond the scope of this discussion; see the links under Further Reading for more information.

Popular low-carbohydrate diets (such as Atkins) encourage the breakdown of fat and can induce so-called dietary ketosis, but this condition is generally not harmful provided the individual is otherwise healthy and stays well-hydrated.

Ketones can be excreted through the urine and those that are volatile (such as acetone) can be expelled through the lungs. Diabetics can be mistaken for being drunk by the odor on their breath, and acetone being expelled through the lungs can give a false positive result on early model breathalyzers. However, don't expect to escape a ticket as driving while impaired (due to low blood sugar) is still a traffic offense whether you are drunk or not.

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Robert Read, M.D. RNY (03/17/10) Member Since: 02/22/09
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Thanks for the info! I had my RNY on 3/17/10.  HW 372/SW 358/GW 199         
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RNY (09/29/09) Member Since: 11/26/07
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 But its ketosis is NOT a requirement to lose weight post  WLS at ALL .... just thought I'd put it out here ...

As a matter of fact its downright DANGEROUS for people who've had possible organ failure , or even lessened organ functioning in the past .

I lost virtually 100% of my excess fat ( totaling 112 lbs ) ( and am one lb away from my surgeon's goal weight ) eight months after starting my preop diet  for my RNY  9/29/2009.

I spent not one day in ketosis since then .... rather I eat a very lowfat , somewhat low sugar diet that includes plenty of healthy , energy giving high fiber carbs iike whole grains, vegetables , fruits  and fat free beans.  

I have enough energy to exercise strenuously virtually every morning , to work full-time and  maintain a very  active social life .  

My body has also snapped back very well I  believe partially BECAUSE of that exercise ....I look great  pre- ps even in a bikini .  Friend me and see for Urself ! 

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Alberto Aceves M.D., F.A.C.S. Revision (12/06/06) Member Since: 10/04/07
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On April 12, 2010 at 5:54 AM Pacific Time, PRIVACY MATTERS2ME! wrote:  But its ketosis is NOT a requirement to lose weight post  WLS at ALL .... just thought I'd put it out here ...

As a matter of fact its downright DANGEROUS for people who've had possible organ failure , or even lessened organ functioning in the past .

I lost virtually 100% of my excess fat ( totaling 112 lbs ) ( and am one lb away from my surgeon's goal weight ) eight months after starting my preop diet  for my RNY  9/29/2009.

I spent not one day in ketosis since then .... rather I eat a very lowfat , somewhat low sugar diet that includes plenty of healthy , energy giving high fiber carbs iike whole grains, vegetables , fruits  and fat free beans.  

I have enough energy to exercise strenuously virtually every morning , to work full-time and  maintain a very  active social life .  

My body has also snapped back very well I  believe partially BECAUSE of that exercise ....I look great  pre- ps even in a bikini .  Friend me and see for Urself ! 

No, ketosis is not ALWAYS necessary for weight loss but for some it is.  Those that are insulin resistant it is a necessary component to losing.

I didn't spend my entire WL journey in ketosis either but ketosis or not, either way is fine if it is working and people aren't doing damage from one or the other.

We are going to have the SAME exact energy with or without carbs.  The body does a beautiful job of converting fat to energy during ketosis.  We do not not not need carbs for energy, that is a myth.

Skin doesn't go back to normal because of exercise, that too.... is a myth.  Skin goes back to normal because it wasn't severely damaged enough not to go back to normal.  It's a matter of genetics, age, how much excess weight was carried and for how long, smoking, lots of issues.  Either it is damaged beyond repair it it isn't.  You could exercise 24/7 and it isn't going to heal skin if it is damaged, at best it will tone muscles under the skin and fill it it out a bit.

I just don't want to see an insulin resistant person stuffing down carbs not understanding why they aren't losing well when they are within their caloric limits and exercise 24/7 in hopes of repairing damaged skin. ;o)

We all find what works for us.  For you low carb wasn't necessary, it wasn't for me either.  But for a great many it is a huge issue.


It is a work in progress, info, motivation, surgery types, everything!

See my profile for how to research a Mexican LAP BAND surgeon, advice for newbies (Feb), motivation for all of us (May), cheap and easy cooking, and how to research a Mexican GASTRIC SLEEVE surgeon 3/09.
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Antonio Coirin, M.D. RNY (10/09/06) Member Since: 10/14/06
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I think most post WLS people, having a very small amount of fruit or vegetables, will prevent could hurt their weightloss surgery journey a bit...depending on the amount...but with regular exercise and avoiding all simple should be fine.
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