Struggles before Surgery...

Katrina F.
on 4/9/10 1:16 am - So.Cal, CA
My surgery is next Friday at 1pm at Kaiser West L.A I had my pre-op appointment yesterday and I have a 1 day liquid diet for Thursday the 15th. Dr Kim says my weight loss is wonderful, and better then hes seen in a long time pre-op wise.

So my struggles,

My Grandfather had 6 or 7 mini strokes Tuesday night, hes in ICU my family has been turned upside down cause of this. He can talk, his balance and equlibrium (sp) is all outta wack. He has some slowing on his left side but HE IS ALIVE...

With my surgery next week and now my grandfather in the hospital I am not sure I want to place the added pressure on my family. Its rough, its not fun, but this is my year, and I cant seem to place myself first still.

All of my family is saying to just keep on schedule that its alright. My aunts and uncles can take care of Grandpa on Friday so my mom can watch my son, since my husband will be with me at the hospital.

So thoughts, comments, anything I need to get my spirts up so I can do this right. Stress makes me not eat, I need to eat, I dont need to eat junk which before all of these classes I would have.

I feel lost, my grandparents are the ones who helped talk me into the surgery and talked my mom into the idea is was ok, and it would make me healthy again. They plus my husband are BIG cheerleaders, and now one of my cheerleaders needs the cheers, the praise, the support.

God bless our troops

Michelle T.
on 4/9/10 1:36 am - Albany, CA
Katrina, honey...

I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. I know that this is not a good place to be with all the worry. I will keep your grandfather in my thoughts and prayers.

But, I hope you do realize that your grandparents gave you a gift when they talked to you about this surgery and talked your mom into the idea. Being one of your biggest supporters, do you think they would want you to put yourself second or hold off on your surgery? Not knowing them, I still believe that they would look at you will love and concern in their eyes and tell you to please give this gift to yourself, your husband, your son, & your family. This will extend your life so that you CAN be there for everyone else. And yes, you are doing this for you, but in the end everyone has you for longer.

I will not say don't worry, because that is useless... But now is not the time to worry and sabatage your surgery. You have done such a wonderful job with your weight loss pre-surgery. You amaze me. I am so proud of you. Yes, you do need to eat, stay with your healthy choices and away from the junk food. as easy as it is to fall back into old patterns. Go for a walk when you feel the urge, even if it is just around the hotel or hospital floor.

I am sending huge supportive, loving, there for anyway I can be hugs to you. Contact me anytime. You have all my information.

Hugs, love, friendship, & support always,

Michelle T.

on 4/9/10 1:55 am - Merced, CA
I am sorry about your grandfather too. I have to say I agree with Michelle. She gave you excellent advice. I really think your grandfather would want yo to go through with the surgery. Good Luck!

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

Stephanie O
on 4/9/10 2:57 am - Happy Place, CA

Your family is saying go ahead and has everything in place for you to go ahead.  Your grandfather wanted this for you very much.  He will be so happy knowing you are doing this.  He'll worry about you for sure, but he'll probably stay strong wanting to know the outcome of your surgery.  And, he may try harder at recovery wanting to see the outcome of your surgery over the  months that follow.  He'll want to see the new you emerge and that will keep him motivated to get well.

Your nerves are starting to get the better of you and that is normal. Spend as much time as you can in the next week with gramps and get ready for your surgery as well.

Everything will turn out as it should.  Just move ahead as planned.  That is what everyone in your family wants.  You just need to remember that and do what you need to do for you.

(deactivated member)
on 4/9/10 4:10 am - Santa Cruz, CA
You do what is right for your health.  Your grandpa is always right!!

Here's hugs for you and your entire family.

Good luck!
Katrina F.
on 4/9/10 4:25 am - So.Cal, CA
Thanks ladies,
I dont do well when facing a death like situation and thats what my grandpa is facing. We live with him so not having him in the house is rough. I am still going to go on with the surgery I dont fear my surgery I fear waking up only to learn hes passed while I was in my own surgery.

Thank you everyone who has him in prayers and thoughts, after tonight he could be moved from ICU we are hoping...

God bless our troops

on 4/9/10 1:30 pm

I am so sorry to hear about your Grandfather and will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.  In the meantime, as everyone else has said focus on your life and go ahead with the surgery you have been planning for for so long.  Do the surgery as an honor to your Grandpa and to your committment for better health.  A healthier new life awaits you and I know your family including your Grandpa want the very best for you.  We're here for you every step of the way!

Hugs and love,
on 4/10/10 11:29 am - Ridgecrest, CA
My prayers are with your family!
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Katrina F.
on 4/11/10 12:48 pm - So.Cal, CA
Thank you all, its working I SWEAR IT IS!!!

My grandfather was able to use a spoon on his own today. My grandmother was feeding him but not anymore. Hes got that down solid. He was able to sit in a chair yesterday, and he took two small steps. His legs are not moving forwards, he can only get them to step up and down.

But the DR said 6months time he should be back to normal (as normal as a 78 year old man can be!!!) 

My grandfather is a bull, strong willed stubborn German man!!!! God love him for it. He had a triple bypass last August and was back to work (landscaping) just 6 short weeks after.

Grandma is making him retire this time.

God bless our troops

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