~~Daily Thanksgiving~~

on 4/7/10 10:20 pm
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

Nelson Mandela

Good Morning Cali Friends, what are you thankful for today?

Today I am thankful for...

1.  Getting my hair done last night, whoo hoo!

2.  Knowing that tomorrow is Friday!

3.  My friend who had RNY a week ago today is finally home and doing pretty well.

OK your turn, what are you thankful for today?
on 4/8/10 1:07 am - CA
Goodmorning Barb,

Today I'm thankful for:

1. I got cancelled at work this morning. Thank goodness, not feeling good today.

2. the beautiful sunny weather.

3. finally getting my "office" organized.


on 4/8/10 2:37 am - Pinole, CA
Good Morning!  Today I am thankful for...

Sleeping in!
An evening planned with a friend!
Loose sz. 16s!

Have a great day!!! Lotsa love & hugs,
on 4/8/10 6:27 am - Merced, CA
Today I am thankful for. . .

The Dress Barn!

A beautiful day before the rain comes again this weekend.

My wonderful husband.

All of you!

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

on 4/8/10 1:45 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
Hi Barb and all,

I love that Nelson Mandela quote. It;s part of his inauguration speech. If I find the rest of his speech I'll put it up because it's very inspirational.

Today I am thankful for.....

1. My home. It's cozy, nice and safe
2. My husband for being supportive and kind
3. My aunt and uncle who just arrived in town to spend time with my mom
4. Tomorrow if FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!
5. Music from a CD my friend ripped for me.



on 4/9/10 6:37 pm - Hercules, CA
Hi Barb,
Sorry I am getting this alittle late.
I am grateful that I went back to work last night, and had a job to go back to.
grateful that not only has hubby become supportive, but is totally on-board and is going to the gym every day. he las lost 15lbs and a pant size and needs a new belt.
grateful that I bought a pair of 16 pants at Target the other day and the were in the regular womens section, NOT THE PLUS-SIZE SECTION WITH A STUPID "W" AFTER THE PANY SIZE. I almost fell into tears. big wow moment for me.
grateful for suppot group meetings.
grateful for life and all it has to offer me and my family.

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