Good Morning Calif.....

Living Life
on 3/31/10 10:07 pm - Riverside, CA
Good Morning one and all.......

Yesterday I was a bit under the weather and didn't do much of anything. Laid around and watched tv most of the day. It was a good day. LOL

Feeling much better today, and I guess thats a good thing, since I work today. Although I would very happly crawl back into bed and sleep for a few more hours.

So what do you have planned for the weekend? For me, I am running/walking the Santa Anita 5k. We might hang out for a bit of time after the run, and watch some of the racing like we did last time. We didn't bet on the races, but we enjoyed watching the fun anyway.

So let us know what your plans are. But not matter what you have plan, enjoy yourself, family, and friends.

Stay Safe!

Lusty Lu
on 3/31/10 10:26 pm
Good Morning Lu and Cali Friends,

Lu, sure hope you are feeling better.

Not much new in my world, just working and getting ready for the weekend.  We will have neighbors, family and friends over for Easter "lunner" a meal between lunch and dinner!  I think it will be so much fun and I am looking forward to it.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

on 3/31/10 11:10 pm - Merced, CA
I like that "lunner", we are going to my son's house for lunner. Today I am going to have a special day with my granddaughter. Lisa took the day off and is going to be with Ryan. I did not sleep good last night. Those darn night sweats! When I am not sweating I am freezing. It would be nice to be in the middle!

I hope you will continue to feel better Lu and I hope everyone else has a great day.

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

Stephanie O
on 4/1/10 12:36 am - Happy Place, CA
Good morning Lu and California,

HOORAY....It's April 1st.  That means only 14 more days and this hell is over.  On the bright side of the next 14 days, while I have tons of work to do, I can probably get it all done and anything new that comes in now goes on extension.  That is our policy here and it is one that I love.  Only two more Saturday's to work also.  Then I have Friday the 16th off and starting June 1st we start our summer hours.  We only wor****il 3PM on Friday's from June 1st through Labor Day.  It's a nice little perk.

So that is my story for the day.  Still cleaning the house.  A little every night and we might actually get everything done I want done by the time Mike's brother arrives.  I spoke to his sister in law last night and we are making plans for spending time away from the Brother's Grimm.  We are going to have a couple of "girly" days to do things we want.  We might actually have a spa day.  Not too sure about that.  Linda is a shopper and that is what she considers a vacation.  Take her to a mall and she is one happy girl.  But I did make a couple of suggestions other than shopping and now she's thinking those might sound good too. I think we are going to "play it by ear" and take it a day at a time and see what they both want to do when they get here.  Whatever it is, it will be so nice to have them here visiting.

Ok, time to start working.  Hope everyone has a great day.  Stay warm and dry.  It's looking mighty nasty out here in the IE.

on 4/1/10 2:30 am - Los Angeles, CA

Hey Cali,

Not a lot going on with me.  I have to tidy up tonight becuase the City of L.A. will come by tomorrow to inspect our apartment building.

I am almost finished with a jacket (made of hand-dyed ribbon yarn).  I just need to knit the sleeves, weave in ends, crochet a boarder and slap on the buttons.

This weekend, I am going to Sunrise service at a church in my neighborhood and then go to my cousin's house for Easter dinner.  Nothing going on Saturday.

Have a great day.


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