Avatar Problems
So I finally updated my Avatar with a current picture and all was well until I came into the office and logged on. Now my Avatar is back to the old picture from 3 mos. ago. HMMMMMMM
Should I delete my Avatar all together here at the office before I log off and then go home and do this all over again and see what happens? This Avatar thing on OH is quite difficult to say the least. On Facebook it is quite easy.
Should I delete my Avatar all together here at the office before I log off and then go home and do this all over again and see what happens? This Avatar thing on OH is quite difficult to say the least. On Facebook it is quite easy.
We talked about this at coffee Sat and I said I just started using a new program for OH avatars that seems to work well. Here is the link sweetie...you go to this link and then it shows a program Pixresizer and has a download link.
The first time I used it my avatar was right and that has never happened with any of the other sites I've used. Wi**** was easy like FB too. It was great to see you again on Sat. you look fantastic sweetie!!!
bigg huggs, Becky
The first time I used it my avatar was right and that has never happened with any of the other sites I've used. Wi**** was easy like FB too. It was great to see you again on Sat. you look fantastic sweetie!!!
bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick