New and Nervous
Hi There
I have posted another board but felt at home on the CA board. I went to my Kaiser pcp a few weeks ago and mentioned wls revision because I have gained back 150lbs give and take... He sent me for a bunch of blood work, an upper GI etc and today I am going for the results of all the tests. I was also told that I would be contacted last week by the bariatric programme to schedule an appointment...didn't happen.
Is it weird to want to have all your tests be BAD so that I can have a chance at a revision?? If they are ok, then of course I have a battle ahead of me and I am nervous about that. So today is the day that I find out where I stand and if I am starting on the path to wls or not.. I feel like a little kid who is totally unprepared for a battle that may not even happen
Good luck with the revision! Keep calling until someone LISTENS!!
ann marie
You mentioned you are looking for someone to connect with in CA. There is a group of us that meet once a month in Concord and have lunch and hang out, and do a clothing exchange. NewBarb2 usually posts about the lunches.I believe our next on is April 24th. Everyone is welcome. If your ever interested you should come. It is a great group of people who are really supportive, or if you ever need to chat just drop me a PM. Good Luck on your surgery. Not much longer and you will be on the losers bench with us.