Good Morning Manic Monday

Living Life
on 3/21/10 11:09 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning Calif.....

Today is my day off, but I have to go into work for a meeting. UGH! I could not sleep last night and now I would pay big bucks to be able to crawl back into bed.

So what did you do over the weekend? As for me, I was cancel on saturday after all, so I went right back into bed and didn't wake up until 10 and my bladder could not hold out any longer. After all I had had my morning coffee. LOL Once I got up and started moving I helped my sister clean house and cook for her sons birthday. It was his 20th birthday. After that I took the "kids" for a walk and when I got home, we watched movies. All in all, it was a good day. Sunday, I helped a friend with painting her new house and cleaning and the small per "move in" stuff. Once I got home, I did nothing. This morning my arm/thumb is killing me, and my doctor canceled my appointment until friday. UGH!

OK what did you do this weekend? I know we have few heros that ran the marathon this weekend and they had a large group to support crew there for them, how also heros. I know how it makes you feel to have someone there for you. Just knowing that they are there, somewhere, keeps you movivng.

OK I guess I need to moving or I will be late for the meeting.

I wish you all a great day, be safe and know you are loved.

Lusty Lu

on 3/22/10 12:58 am - Santa Cruz, CA
Hi Lu and Cali,

I am staying home from work today because I have a gnarly sinus infection that hurts and I do believe my head is going to explode from the pressure. C'mon anti-biotics, please kick in!!!

I had a great time at the Nor-Cal lunch and when I feel better I am going to type up visitor info for our Santa Cruz weekend in May. I am completely looking forward to having the whole gang in Santa Cruz. Other than the lunch, I spent 3 hours at urgent care and the rest of the time on my couch feeling poopey.

I hope you all have good Mondays. I know, oxymoron, but we can at least try!!


on 3/22/10 1:56 am - CA
Hey girl. I hope you feel better soon.


(deactivated member)
on 3/22/10 5:27 am
on 3/22/10 5:53 am - Sacramento, CA

So sorry to hear you are suffering..I had that darn head cold/sinus thingy for 3 weeks!  Didn't think it was ever going to leave.  Missed seeing you Saturday but enjoyed the quick chat on the phone.  Hope you feel better soon!

243.0/213.0/141/130  Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal

on 3/22/10 10:32 pm
Ms. B.

Sure hope the meds kick in soon, it's no fun feeling poopy, especially someone as fun as you are!  Let me know if I can assist in the Santa Cruz plans, I can't wait!  We're gonna have a blast!

Stephanie O
on 3/22/10 1:03 am - Happy Place, CA
Good Morning Lu and California,

Well, yup it's Monday and after the physically exhausting weekend I had, I'm actually glad to be here sitting at my desk.  It will be restful for me.  LOL

The weekend was busy though.  Cleaning, cleaning, more cleaning and then painting.  Found out though that I have an allergy to paint.  Anyplace the paint got on my skin I broke out in a rash. So after the primer went up and I was a blotchy mess, Mike wouldn't let me paint anymore.  That did slow us down some.  We only got the guest room painted.  He will have to work on the master bedroom today to get it ready for furniture delivery tomorrow.  I went yesterday and bought all new window treatments for both bedrooms and the living room.  I still have to think about the kitchen, office and den, but that will come later.  For the den though we have a set of french doors that we are thinking about putting up to replace the sliders that are in there.  But we'll see.  As we don't plan on staying in the house too much longer, I don't want to really do much more then cleaning and some cosmetic work.

Time for me to get busy here.  Got my coffee so I'm good for a while.  Hope everyone has a terrific Monday.

on 3/22/10 2:18 am - CA

I had a great weekend. It went by to fast as usual. Got to spend time with great friends. I have lots to do around the house, YUCK. I would rather be lazy. I was to meet my trainer this morning but I canceled. I have been having trouble with my groin and it wasn't much in the mood for working out this morning. It is really nice and sunny, so I will try and get a walk in later today. Not much else going on in my world, just enjoying a few more days off before I go back to work. I hope you all have a great day.


on 3/22/10 3:04 am - Sacramento, CA
Lu Lu Lu...will you never learn??!  You are suppose to be giving that thumb a rest!!  Holding a paint brush, going every direction, is not,  I repeat! NOT, resting the thumb!!  But, on the flip side, I do understand that life must go forward..sore thumb or not ;-)

Today is one of those rare Mondays...that just starts out crappy. Already received a phone call from the boss regarding something that took place during the Board of Directors meeting this past weekend that blindsided both of us :-( Nothing I can do about it but it sure didn't make the day start out very well.

Had a great weekend even tho I had to miss the Nor Cal luncheon at the last minute :-(  I so wanted to be there, see everyone, catch up on the latest; Barb made it special by calling me and I got to say hello one by one with everyone there. Gotta LOVE friends like her &_+  Went for a scooter ride late Saturday afternoon...a *****illy but felt good to be outdoors.  Sunday was a laid back, do nothing day.  Actually slept most of it...body sometimes just doesn't take 'no' for an answer, when it is dead tired. LOL

Getting past today, the rest of the week should be rountine. Lon and I celebrate our 11th anniversary on Friday...seems like just yesterday we were chattering thru ICQ (we're one of those 'internet' couples LOL).  It's been a fun, especially interesting 11 years ^_^

Time to get to's gotta get better!
Nancy aka Sunray

243.0/213.0/141/130  Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal

Gus H.
on 3/22/10 4:58 am - La Puente, CA
It's still morning so GOOD MORNING!  Hope everyone has a fantastic day....
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