Good Morning Manic Morning
Good Morning Calif..........
So how many of you forgot to change your time yesterday, and was late for something? We had 4 staff later yesterday for work yesterday and all of them calmed it was before of the time change. When I walked in the door saterday night, I changed the time every where in the house. I was not late :-D What a good girl I am.
Ms Shells,,,,,,,,,,,So girl, did you feed the pony? Did they enjoy your apple? What kind of puppy did you get? I love puppie, they are just so cute. LOL
Step...........You are the bestest and the companies you work with are lucky to have you doing there taxes. I hope you tell them that. LOL Did you get the room clean and all ready for new bed room set? How long is Mikey Bro coming out for?
Elizabeth...........I dont see why they cant just move the sky light? cute the hole out of the wall and use that to patch where the sky light is. It sound so easy to me. How was your time with the babies? I know you gave up your day and your time just for you son and that it had nothing to do with spoiling the babies. LOL was is the in-law doing? I hate moving, therefore I am happy that you don't have to pack her up and help her move. UGH!! Are you all napped out and ready to start your week? lol Take it slow and enjoy your commuting for work.
OK group, time to get moving here, Coffee, shower, work. I think I have done this
I wish you all a wonderful day. Be safe on this MANIC monday....
Sending Love
Lusty Lu
Lu, I'm with you, and changed all the clocks before I went to bed on Saturday and wasn't late for Sunday! Yep, yesterday we worked at my mother-in-laws house and got quite a bit done. Then we all came back here and made chicken pot pie for dinner, yum, yum.
Well today it's back on the road for the commute to work, UGH. But I am thankful I have a job to commute to. We'll see what a week away is like.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning Lu and California,
I HATE THE TIME CHANGE!!!! Why we need to have time changes is beyond me. I can understand why they were important years and years ago because of harvesting and giving farmers more daylight hours, but it just isn't an issue anymore and it completely turns my body clock upside down and sideways. Oh well, it will take my body about a week, but I'll get used to it.
So furniture countdown was postponed. I looked around the house yesterday and realized no way am I ready for furniture to be delivered. Basically because we decided to paint before it all comes in. So I called the store and put it off for a week. Now we can really get down to business and do everything right. Paint the two bedrooms and shampoo the carpets. It's gonna be fabulous once it's all done.
Mike's bro and sister in law will be here for 10 days. Mike is really excited. This is his oldest brother who has never come out to visit here before. They were never really too close because of the age difference. Bob is the oldest and Mike the youngest and they are 15 years apart. Anyway, the last year they have gotten much closer and now Bob and Linda are coming to visit. I'm sure it will be a wonderful visit.
Well I suppose it is time for me to get busy here. I have alot to accomplish today but the tension of corporate deadline is over and that feels good. I hope everyone has a great Monday.
I am having a hard time getting going this Monday morning. I feel lazy. Today I have a Red Hat Ladies luncheon. I am going to get meatballs and sauce. We are going for Italian. I can do meatballs.
I hope you all have a great day today.
I know I have been MIA for a week, but here I am checking in once again. I had to go up north to Albany (Just north of Berkeley, for the So Cal gang) and San Pablo to check out some blind schools last week. Becky and Jay were gracious enough to offer to drive me up. We left EARLY on Tuesday morning and got home about 7pm on Friday. We had a awesome time!! We toured San Francisco. Becky drove down Lombard Street (the crookest street in the world), we walked up and down the hills, we walked Chinatown, walked Fisherman's Wharf, we walked around Monterey... well you get it, we did a ton of walking!! We all lost about 5 pounds, if not more on this trip! I wouldn't trade the memories from this trip for anything in the world.
As far as the school goes, I put in my intrest for the one in Albany. They said pending approval, I may be able to start classes in May! Wow, that was fast. I was thinking more like July or August. It is an awesome school, who will teach me all my living skills, once total blindness oversomes my sight. I am looking forward to learning braille. This will just be another adventure, in my life.
On a sadder note, as many of you are aware... my 45 year old cousin, David, suffered a massive heart attack nearly 2 weeks ago. He has been in a coma and life support since. The doctors say his chances of recovery are slim to none. He only has 30% of his brain function left. His brother, mom, and sister have decided to take him off life support either today or tomorrow. He will have another massive heart attack and pass. I am very upset and sad about this. It is really hard for me to deal with this, so close to my own father's passing date (3/27/99). So I am struggling, everyday is a chore right now. But with the love and support of family and friends, I know this will pass and God has a plan. But as you go about your busy day, hug your loved ones just a little tighter, say I love you just one more time, smile before you leave. We are never promised the next second of this precious gift, we call "Life".
Much love, respect, and friendship to all of you!
Huge hugs,
Michelle T.
Love Elizabeth