~~Daily Thanksgivings~~
If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say, "I will be bigger than you." You cannot defeat me.
Ann Landers
Good Morning Cali Friends, what are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for...
1. Only one more day of work this week, yahoo!
2. Shoes for souls project at work, we bundled over 2,000 pair of shoes yesterday to send to Haiti. Thank goodness for gloves, cuz some of them were pretty icky but on the other hand some were very nice.
3. My husband who is did the laundry yesterday for me!! Love it.
OK your turn, what are you thankful for today?
Ann Landers
Good Morning Cali Friends, what are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for...
1. Only one more day of work this week, yahoo!
2. Shoes for souls project at work, we bundled over 2,000 pair of shoes yesterday to send to Haiti. Thank goodness for gloves, cuz some of them were pretty icky but on the other hand some were very nice.
3. My husband who is did the laundry yesterday for me!! Love it.
OK your turn, what are you thankful for today?
Good Morning, Barb!
Today I am thankful for quite a few things, but this is just the top of my list:
for a husband that continues to support me, even if it means him getting in trouble at work
for a beautiful day.
for the continued trials that the Lord sees me fit to fight with His help.
for the wonderful friendships that I share, in person or online.
for Becky and Jay, who will take the time out of their lives to take me up to Albany and San Pablo, CA on Tuesday, so that I can tour a couple of blind schools. They are the best and I love them.
Today I am thankful for quite a few things, but this is just the top of my list:
for a husband that continues to support me, even if it means him getting in trouble at work
for a beautiful day.
for the continued trials that the Lord sees me fit to fight with His help.
for the wonderful friendships that I share, in person or online.
for Becky and Jay, who will take the time out of their lives to take me up to Albany and San Pablo, CA on Tuesday, so that I can tour a couple of blind schools. They are the best and I love them.
Michelle T.
I really think ObesityHelp should let you do the daily quotes Barb! Your's are so much better!
Today I am thankful for. . .
I read in the paper that the snow pack in the Sierra's is above normal and that will help CA with our water woes. So does all the rain we have had.
For another day to enjoy life, whatever it brings.
For my life in general, and all the people in my life.
Today I am thankful for. . .
I read in the paper that the snow pack in the Sierra's is above normal and that will help CA with our water woes. So does all the rain we have had.
For another day to enjoy life, whatever it brings.
For my life in general, and all the people in my life.
Hello everyone. Im a little late today.. but better late than never! Love the quote...
...as I am lookin this yucky cold right in the eye and telling it you cannot defeat me!!! so far that and vitamins and lots of water... 3 liters a day.. how many (&(E%#^% ozs is that anyway?
Today I am thankful for...
1. The Sunshine!
2. Zumba - and taking the words "get right down into it" to heart! ...and I have the sore muscles to prove it today!!!
3. Busy busy busy at work which makes the day fly by.
4. Dancing.. I love to dance!
Love & Hugs Everyone!
...as I am lookin this yucky cold right in the eye and telling it you cannot defeat me!!! so far that and vitamins and lots of water... 3 liters a day.. how many (&(E%#^% ozs is that anyway?
Today I am thankful for...
1. The Sunshine!
2. Zumba - and taking the words "get right down into it" to heart! ...and I have the sore muscles to prove it today!!!
3. Busy busy busy at work which makes the day fly by.
4. Dancing.. I love to dance!
Love & Hugs Everyone!