6 month diet problems

on 2/20/10 3:35 pm
Okay ...if I come off rude please excuse me - i'm half asleep and had an allergy to a food so I'm feeling the effects of benedryl right now too...sure dont mean to be rude =D

I can exersize in a pool, yes..during summer months I lose. As far as the back issue - my primary has told me because of scar tissue from previous back surgery he wants to avoid further surgeries on my spine at this age (27). He suggested and pushed towards gastric bypass.  At my weight right now there is no surgeon in my area that will do a spinal surgery on my insurance..I'd have to drop near 90 lbs to have it. (belive me I've been down that road)..primary told me to be careful with my exersize as well - I DO walk..and I DO ride my bike..but can't do it for long..maybe 10 minutes a go. I certainly know I "can" it's just that it wont happen as quickly and I don't know how to tell this PA that. I can't simply "switch docs" ..not on my insurance and budget. the doc is fine but that PA talks to me like I'm a fat lazy slob who eats at mc donalds every day -_-.   She told me to stop eating out...only place I eat out is subway..and all i order there is a 6" ham on 8 grain with no mayo and all veggies!! The diet she put me on has me eating MORE than I do normally. she raised me to 2000 calories..I was @ or under 1500. I actually can't stand the fatty foods that she thinks I eat :(.  I know I need to talk to her about this - I just hope I can do it without offending her or being rude.  I never mean to be rude when I actually am :-/

I know the RNY won't "fix" my back... but I know that with less excess weight.. it won't be as painful.  I was down to 285 this past summer and didn't hurt at all..started school..slipped @ home and had to spend time in bed and that was that LOL. It will take some doing I know - it's just frustrating.


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

Diane C.
on 2/21/10 4:30 am - Highland, CA
I am trying to tell you, that your back may NOT get better from losing weight.  Yes there is a chance, and yes I thought my back would get better but it got worse and ended up under the knife anyway.  IF you can do 10 minutes of any exercise then do it more than once a day, like 3 times, and it works just as well as doing a 30 minute period.  It all about keeping up the metabolisim.  There are plenty of diets that work without exercise,  It's just easier and better for you to add the exercise I hate to do it, but I am doing it now.  Just to feel better,

Good luck
on 2/23/10 10:02 am
My 2 cents...Dr. Coirin is a very good surgeon and doctor.  Not sure about the support staff...It's been 3 1/2 years.  What I do for a day like today (rainy) is to walk in the house.  I'll put on some rock music and just walk.  Maybe find some light weights or use something heavy around a house (jar or bottle of something for weights). 
I also had back problems...They wanted to operate...I waited (gave up golf and racquetball) and the RNY did help alot.  The back is still bad, but not like before WLS.  One of the biggest things (concerning the diet) is to get completely off of simple carbs...ALL SIMPLE CARBS!!  They will stop a diet cold.  Hang in there...Praying you get your surgery.  Brian  PS  This upcoming Monday we have the local WLS support group in the back of McHenry Village...You may want to come. 
on 2/23/10 10:16 am
Well, a little good news. The "lady" that I was talking about that was very rude..is no longer rude to me..it's amazing how the attitude changes once you walk in wearing scrubs. I like to see the difference actually ... night/day.

Anywhoo. I'm not opposed to the 6 month diet at all - was really just venting. I only have 3 months left before they will submit. I don't have to lose a certain amount for my surgeon OR for insurance..just do well on the pre-op diet and classes and it'll be all good ^_^. Told the P.A. also that they had increased my portions and calories  and it was making me feel very sluggish as well as that "omg I'm over-eating again" feeling. She agreed that we could try dropping me back down to 1k calories instead of 1200. I explained that before, if I needed a little energy I could still get in a protein bar or something if I needed to but with the things they had me eating I was running back n forth to the restroom =( I gave up pasta and other starches for a reason xD

Anyways - thank you all for your input and for being brutally honest but not rude =D very appreciated!! besides, if we lie to make one another feel better, what kind of support system would this be? 


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

Linda M.
on 2/24/10 6:23 am - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 09/08/09 with
I am six months out from RNY and have lost halfway to what my surgeon thinks I will do. When I started I could do very little to exercise and my doctors acknowledged this. This was due to my comorbidities, hips, knees, back, etc. I did have a site infection with the RNY that kept in me in bed for almost 2 months. I began with a cane before wls, with a walker out of the hospital and am now able to use the cane again. I no longer put my full weight on it like I did before. It was so bad I got cramps in my hand from using the cane. I no longer need to use a scooter in the store. I do not have the hip pain I used to get after walking a very short time. I trust what my surgeon says about reaching the first goal. He said after that it will take more effort and more exercise to lose the remaining weight I will lose. While I wish I could be a WLS star [one woman in my support group has lost 150+ lbs in 9 months] I am 'over the moon' at the progress I have made. I know I will continue to lose/release this excess baggage and my body and my spirit will be healthier than ever before. I wish you great outcomes and a smooth recovery.

Like others have said, this diet pre-WLS is to document your failure in dieting/exercise. Insurance companies are not medical professionals and anyone would be disappointed to think they will support you in the way you need.

Rely on whatever good support you can gather around you. Know that the posters here are on your side.

Don't mess with womyn/dragons for you are crunchy and good with reduced fat honey mustard on the side...


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