Am I setting myself up to fail?
I do use stop gap measures like sucking on sugar free candy, but I also journal when I want to eat or bang out a message about what i am really feeling. I don't do this enough, but most of the time it works for me.
I think more exploration into why you feel the need to always be chewing something is a good place to start.
I think MsBlues makes a good point. Your strategy is avoiding a bigger issue and that's how you use food to get thru life.
I remember a few weeks after surgery (I may have still been in the soft food phase) and I was driving around in my car when I suddenly wanted fried chicken. It wasn't like a passing whim, it was a full on strong craving...I HAD TO HAVE IT. I couldn't even have solid food yet and it became a really stressful moment for me. I was on the verge of tears.
I likened it to telling a 2-year old they couldn't have a toy and I was throwing a tantrum. Up until that point in my life I was used to indulging my cravings. If I wanted food, I got it. I came from a family that fed everything. If it was crying, feed it. If it's happy, feed it. If it's stressed out, depressed, angry....feed it.
This wasn't going to work anymore and now because I had chosen to have this surgery I was now forced to find a new way to get thru life. Even now, two plus years after surgery I'm still going thru this process of finding a new life. Therapy helped me a lot, I went for about 2 months. The psychological transformation was bigger and more significant than what my body has gone thru.
You are so fortunate to be going thru this. It might be uncomfortable, unpleasant, worrisome...but now you have the opportunity to free yourself from the prison that food has kept you in. If possible I would suggest asking your surgeon's office or local support group leader if they can recommend someone for you to talk to.
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Basically I just wanted to give you huggs and say congrats on your success so far and keep up the good work sweetie!!!
bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick