Cheap beef jerky in California??
I eat jerky daily now. Just small amounts...but I'll put it in my pockets or have it in the car. The better tasting ones cost alot. I really don't want to dry my own. I use to get it for free years ago (my father-in-law was a vet...had cows. We use to get alot of our milk, cheese, beef, and beef jerky for free)!! Any ideas where to get the most bang for my buck??
I cross posted this on the Main Board too. I think I will look at Grocery Outlet, Costco, and Walmart (We don't have a Sam's Club nearby). Internet may not be that cheap. Also the 99 Cent Only store has 1 1/2oz of a buck...but that is alot of wasted packages. Awhile back they had 4oz for a buck...really good deal. Brian
We buy it by the case from Jerky Hut. They really are one of the best tasting and have lots of flavors. You can look them up on the internet for a dealer close to you. A very big box is about $200 dollars...maybe a bit more...I don't remember exactly. But it is alot and lasts us a very long time. We probably buy one box a year normally at Route 66 that is held in our area once a year. Anyway, hope this helps you a little.
Costco sells it in two large bags or a box that has several small bags in it. It is a variety pack. (nice if you are not sure what flavor you will like best) Its not a full box it is a half box sealed with plastic so you can see the package and see what the jerky looks like. I think they have regular, peeper and turkey. I like it because the mini bags are handy to have in the car and house.If you ever go to Reno my DH loves the moose jerky he said its really moist vs. beef. I have not tried it yet. Good Luck