
on 2/13/10 1:52 am - Long Beach, CA
Hello everyone.  I know I have been MIA for quite a bit.....I just wanted to give an update.  As a lot of you may know.  I had my RNY surgery July 0f 2008.  I developed a stricture within the first couple of months post op.  I had gone though numerous Endoscopic Diations using two different GI doctors (8 times) only to have  it close up.  Although I tried to remain positive throughout this process, the last few months have been very difficult.  My Dr.'s goal weight for me was 140lbs....I dropped down to 125lbs and was not able to eat solid food for over a year and a half. 

I then decided to get a second opinion from Dr Crookes at USC .  He is a Bariatric Surgeon/GI specialist.  He said he would like to try a different approach to the dilation....instead of "stretching" me and waiting til it closes and then doing it again...  He wanted to stretch me and then within a week or it again while it was still a little open....this made sense to me.

So on January 5th.  He went in and stretched me to 20mm (the largest I had been stretched in the past was 15mm)  .   This past Tuesday I went in for another stretching prodedure, but when he tried to stretch me to 30mm....he accidently  perferated my intestines.  It was the worse pain I have ever experienced in my life.  He wound up having to do an emergency Revision surgery.  I just home last night.

Hopefully this is the last of the stricture problem.  

Take care,

Katt M.
on 2/13/10 5:28 am - Fontana, CA
OMGosh!! I am so sorry hun. I truly hope that this is the last time you have to endure the stretching process. You have been through so much since your surgery. I hope you feel better. Keeping you in my prayers. x0x0x0
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
on 2/13/10 10:21 am - Long Beach, CA
Thank you Katt.  How have you been.....I haven't been on in so's going to take me a long time to catch up on everyone.  Hope  you are doing well.

on 2/13/10 11:26 am - Lakewood, CA
RNY on 07/14/09 with

I am so very sorry to hear of all your problems.  I know you have been battling this stricture for quite some time and now this.  Now that you have had an emergency revision surgery, does this mean the stricture is no longer there or they just worked around it?  I am only 7 mos post op and still don't understand why people get a revision.  In your case I understand the revision but not quite sure I understand all of it.

I am keeping you in my prayers and thoughts as you recover. I pray that you will no longer have the stricture problem and will soon finally be able to eat as you have already endured so much.

Hugs and prayers,


         HW: 324 -  First Consult: 304 - Surgery Date: 293 - Current: 207 - Goal:  165
on 2/13/10 12:29 pm - Long Beach, CA
Hello Annette.  Basically what he had to do was remove the section of bowel that was perforated.  But he also removed the stricture and the bottom of the pouch where the stricture kept coming back.  He said he felt a really hard ring of scar tissue so he completely removed it.  made a clean opening and then resected the small intestine.  He then thouroghly irrigated my adominal cavity.  He is pretty hopefull that it will heal nicely this time and I won't have any more problems with the stricture.  I am looking at about 2 to 5 weeks recovery but looks like things are on the mend

Thanks for asking
on 2/14/10 4:27 pm - Long Beach, CA
I am so sorry to hear about your problems. I will keep you in my prayer. And that from now on the worst in now in your past. My god bless and keep me informed about your progress.

on 2/14/10 1:20 am
Hey Linda, get well soon!!  I'm just wondering if the endoscope breakage was a blessing in disguise.  I would have been scared to death about the revision surgery, but it's over and done with...a good chance of no more strictures or procedures.  In someways this is what you have been asking and praying for...just not the way it came about!!  Have a protein shake on us!!  Brian  PS  What stricture??  It's been cut out!!
on 2/14/10 9:25 am - Ellensburg, WA
OMGosh honey, you sure have been through way too much. It sounds like this procedure should do the trick though. My fingers are crossed and prayers are with you honey!!!! take care and rest, you deserve it!!!   bigg huggs and love, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Gus H.
on 2/15/10 1:19 am - La Puente, CA

WHAT? OH MY GOSH....UGHHHHH....So sorry you've had to deal with this.  I know, complications are not fun to deal with. It takes a toll on you mentally and emotionally.  It's no fun trying to take time off from work, personal life, etc. to get to all kinds of appts and trying to find answers.

I really hope you get so much better and begin to gain some healthy weight!  Big hugs to you and please keep us updated.


on 2/15/10 1:24 am - Los Angeles, CA
My heart aches for you.  I will be keeping you in prayer.  You have been through so much. 

Without struggle, there is no progress.

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