~~Daily Thanksgiving~~
Napoleon Hill
Good Morning Cali Friends, what are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for...
1. Warm coffee on a cold, rainy morning.
2. The beautiful home I have to come home to and my wonderful husband waiting inside.
3. The weather might clear up for the weekend.
OK your turn, what are you thankful for today?
Good Morning Barb. Think I'll take part in this today because even though things haven't been all that great lately, I have to remember to still be thankful for those things that enrich my life as opposed to dwelling on those things that sometimes make it difficult to get through a day. So that being said, today I am thankful for
1. the doctors who are working so hard to get me back to normal and out of pain and just able to function again. It's been a tough road lately in that department.
2. the most wonderful birthday weekend I could have ever imagined. Two days at Disney and then spent Saturday night at the Paradise Pier hotel. They upgraded our room because we said it was my birthday. Saturday night friends and family joined us for dinner at Downtown Disney and showed me how much they all loved me by coming from all over to help me celebrate.
3. the new computer that Mike got me for my birthday. As if the weekend at Disney wasn't enough, he got me the computer that I have been "lusting" after for months and was saving up for. Now I have it and I love it. I love him, though, more.
4. My son, who is all grown up but still does little things for me that remind of the little things he would do for me when he was just a little boy. Sometimes he's just the sweetest young man and definitely a son I wish every mother had.
OK, so I need to stop now because I'm getting all teary-eyed thinking about how loved I am. With all the difficulties we all encounter everyday in our lives, if we remember that we are loved and are capable of giving love back, it just makes everything else not so important.
today I am Thankful for:
God giving me the opportunity daily to learn patience and tolerance...to see things from other people's perspective
remembering Titans can clash but they can still hug and love each other inspite of their differences
looking in the mirror and knowing I am a grown up..but that I refuse to GROW UP ;-)
have a great wet day Cali...I thank God the most for the rain and snow!
Nancy aka sunray

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Nancy, you are an RV traveler so I thought I would ask this question of you. Mike and I are about to come into the possession of a very nice RV Trailer. We would like to find a permanent spot for it where we don't have to drag it from place to place. We are interested in the Big Bear Lake area or Arrowhead. Do you know of any places up there that do year round space rental or do you know if there is some kind of company that deals with finding year round space rentals. We are truly novices when it comes to this so if you have any information, I'd so appreciate it.
Thanks and hope you stay dry today. Have a wonderful day.

243.0/213.0/141/130 Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal
I am thankful for my husband and family too. Like Stephanie said it is so nice to know they love me so much and are a great since of support for me.
My granddaughter took her first step Sunday. I wasn't there but she is doing so well. I am thankful that my grand kids are so healthy, curious, smart, and of course adorable!
I am just thankful for my life in general. I really know that this is the best time of my life so far. I also have every reason to believe it will only get better.
1. Sunshine, White Puffy Clouds and Fresh Air - its a gorgeous day in SF today! And I managed to avoid all the rain this morning!!!
2. Making new friends at, and surviving last night's Zumba class with energy to spare today.
3. I have a 7 atty load today, but I am thankful they are all awesome people!
4. A romantic get-away for Valentine's Day and beautiful sunny weather expected this weekend!
Love & Hugs,