RNY This Friday 2/05/2010
Friday is coming really quick and I'm starting to get nervous... I bought a few things for while I'm in the hospital
Do I need anything else?
An also for after surgery I will be on liquids for my hospital stay and then start on pureed foods I bought a food prossesor ans some tasteless protein. Any suggestions on foods I should buy or anything else that I will need when I come home
Thanks all
Good Luck, you are on your way!! You won't need a whole lot in the hospital, your list covers what you will need most. You may want to hug a pillow for the car ride home though. It was like I felt every single bump in the road on my way home.
As far as post-op food. You can buy a few things, but remember that what you think you will enjoy now might gross you out after surgery. You can get a few cans of broth, sugar-free jello mix, and sugar-free popsicles.
Welcome to the losers bench!!
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Oh....As far as toiletries, don't worry about that. The hospital has it so you don't have to spend an extra dime nor have to bring back germs from the clothing you wear.
As far as food....Follow your doc's orders/regimen. You'll have to explore on various products out there with protein. I'm almost 4 years out and let me tell you. I've used well over 10 different products of protein (Muscle Milk Light, BodyFortress, Pure Protein, Isopure, etc.).
I recommend Isopure for the first few weeks since it's very water like and has tons of protein....Good luck!
What you have listed is just enough, A belly binder makes moving about much easier, I used it from day 2 on and I could even sleep on my side at the hospital. See if your surgeon oks it.
For home coming foods...yep...broth, SF jellos and LOTS of SF popscicles. I also had the child sized clear juices (apple, cranberry), they were just enough to sip on and not be wasted. I also bought baby food fruit to keep my insides moving. The first level prunes were my best friend and perfect size. ..tasted good with my teaspoon of cottage cheese! (also some good old applesauce)
Each day you will feel 100% better than you did the day before....the first few days might be difficult, but they fly by because you will be resting lot.
Best wishes and speedy recovery!
Kim in Fontana
Oh how exciting!!! Congratulations!!!
I just had surgery on 1/14 and I brought all kinds of things to the hospital that I thought I'd need and/or use and I didn't. The only thing that was nice to have was a clean set of clothes upon leaving the hospital. I should have had my husband put a pillow in the car for me but I forgot and it hurt all the way home, so have a pillow handy!
While in the hospital I spent my time looking out the window and watching tv as I went in and out of sleep (from all the pain meds they were pumping into me through the IV). You will not be hungry but the nurses will make you take sips of apple juice and water frequently and you'll get meals with broth, jello, juice, etc., delivered to your room. Make sure you don't eat a lot. I don't know why they do that, it's like putting alcohol in front of an alcoholic, but again you won't be too hungry so you will know not to eat everything delivered to your room.
Currently I'm drinking protein shakes a few times a day and lowfat cottage cheese and Fage no fat greek yogurt with a little bit of a sugar supplement to sweeten it a little. I have found that the Organic Safeway brand of lowfat cottage cheese to be the most edible and it's not sweet in the least bit like some of the cottage cheeses out there.
Best of luck to you and congratulations on this wonderful time in your life!