Supplements: How many is too many?
This morning I'm filling up my little pill box for the week when I realize that the little sections for everyday are completely filled with pills! I think I take more pills a day than my elderly mother.
Which made me wonder, are they all effective if I am taking a handful at once? Do any of them interact with each other? I will make a call to my surgeon's office to ask but I was wondering if anyone here had any knowledge about some of the stuff I take.
(By the way all of my bloodwork is normal, especially since I doubled my iron supplement last year)
Here's the list:
Thyroid med - I take this tiny pill first thing in the morning with a glass of water and I have to wait about an hour before I eat anything.
Multi vitamin, calcium supplement, hair/nail/skin supplement (contains mostly biotin), omega 3 supplement - I take these a little later in the morning either with my breakfast or with some protein water
iron supplement, kelp supplement, sublingual B-12 - I began taking the kelp supplement because it contains iodine at the suggestion of my doctor to address my slow metabolism and thyroid issues. I have to take it with water and/or food it also contains folic acid (iron) so I take it with my iron supplement in the afternoon long after I have taken my calcium and thyroid med to avoid malabsorbtion.
Whew! I got tired just typing that! Am I taking too much stuff?
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Just a couple thoughts on what I do...In some ways we are like lab rats...wondering if our nose will fall off in 10 years from malabsorption. Because of that, I do a couple different things that on the surface may look strange...but for RNYers (and WLS in general), they may be able to see the logic of them.
I take 2 different multivitamins a in the morning and one in the evening. I also sip on a small amount of a liquid multi throughout the day...Never trusting any one company and their claims. I do the calcium and iron at different times as we are suppose to. I also take a D, E, and B-12. I will nibble on a B Complex pill (taste nasty) throughout the day too. I also will try and get sunlight though out the day. I will get into my shorts and sunbath when I can in the back yard for about 15 minutes. If there is no sunlight that day (rain or fog) I will sit under a reptile light for a few minutes...Yeh, I know...strange. It's just many people are coming up short on their D's so I figure it's more important than skin cancer (pick your poison). I try and eat the color of the rainbow in my fruits and vegetables and eat different types of foods throughout the week...Hoping nothing comes up short. Just me. Brian
I think those are all good ideas, even the sun! I always cover my face in the sun...because, well I'm vain and I know sun exposure will wrinkle me over time. :) There is something about the sun that is energizing though.
Ideally, I would love to get all my vitamins from the food I eat even though it's just not possible with the little pouch I have now. When possible I try my best to choose things with high vitamin content...apples, spinach, salmon, beets, etc....
I tried the liquid vitamins at first after surgery. Yuk!! So I often take two multi-vitamins.
Yes, I wonder if my nose will fall off one day. Or perhaps when I'm dead and gone I'll make for a nice healthy skeleton because of all the vitamins I took.
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian