The multivitamin you take contains vitamins from China -
I have 2 in my inbox and them a thrid one that their site has crashe am taking. It really kinda bugged me. I take Bariatric Advantage, I guess I will need to check it out. But dont scare the crap out of me like that.
The below is the email I recieved, in 2 different formats
You take a multivitamin for your health. It's logical. You want something that is good for you.
Yet today, virtually every multivitamin sold in the US uses vitamin ingredients from China. In fact, China has grown to become the world's largest maker of vitamin ingredients. For example, 90% of the Vitamin C made in the world is from China.
You have heard about some of the quality problems with products from China: melamine in pet food and infant formula, lead in toys, counterfeit drugs and more. You can read much more at Dangers of Ingredients from China
and at
China Quality Problems in the News
We heard about the quality problems too. We have wanted to introduce a higher-quality higher-purity multivitamin for two years, but it was enormously difficult to find ingredients that were not-from-China – and high quality. We just didn't want to give you, or give ourselves and our families, vitamins from China.
As we searched, we heard over and over, "Why are you asking these questions?" and "No one has ever asked these questions".
Perhaps it is the vitamin industry's secret. If it is, now you know too.
People in the industry are well aware that some companies claim their vitamins are Made in the USA when in fact only the blending and tablet-forming and bottling actually occur in the US. Some or many or virtually all of the ingredients are from China. We believe there are NO multivitamins with all of their vitamin ingredients made in the US. None.
We would suggest asking your brand, but apparently, some vitamin brands don't seem to ask where their ingredients come from, so they might not know. It's as if the industry has a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.
Not to worry.
UNJURY™, the most trusted, most recommended protein supplement brand, introduces opurity™ brand multivitamin multi-mineral supplements. opurity vitamins have no ingredients from China. opurity is China-Free™.
We will send you a separate email with more about opurity in a few minutes!
You can also visit us at, where you can order both UNJURY and opurity items in the same shopping cart, and save on shipping! Ground shipping from UNJURY, opurity or both is never more than $6.00.
Our first product is a multivitamin multi-mineral tablet. We are racing to complete development of chewable multivitamins that are right for you, if you use chewables.
We're looking forward to hearing from you!
Martha and Jerome
© UNJURY Protein 2010 Has anyone else got this email from Unjury?