~~Daily Thanksgiving~~
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your Destiny.
Frank Outlaw
Good Morning Cali Friends, what are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for...
1. Getting a few things done and caught up yesterday on my day off.
2. That I only have 4 days of work this week.
3. The rain stopping for a time so we can dry out!
OK your turn, what are you thankful for today?
Frank Outlaw
Good Morning Cali Friends, what are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for...
1. Getting a few things done and caught up yesterday on my day off.
2. That I only have 4 days of work this week.
3. The rain stopping for a time so we can dry out!
OK your turn, what are you thankful for today?