Wanna know something Awesome???
I got a date!!! I got a date!!! I got a date!!! 

So if you haven't figured it out I got a surgery date :) I got the call today to confirm when my surgery was and when I needed to come down to do my pre-op. It works out great. I go on a cruise on the 30th get back on the 6th, pre-op on the 8th and my surgery is on the 9th.
I can't believe it is here already and that the time from seeing the surgeon, to them giving me a date is so quick. I am so excited... So now I need all of the losers to scoot over so I can sit down!!!
Oh and by the way I GOT A DATE!!! LOL

So if you haven't figured it out I got a surgery date :) I got the call today to confirm when my surgery was and when I needed to come down to do my pre-op. It works out great. I go on a cruise on the 30th get back on the 6th, pre-op on the 8th and my surgery is on the 9th.
I can't believe it is here already and that the time from seeing the surgeon, to them giving me a date is so quick. I am so excited... So now I need all of the losers to scoot over so I can sit down!!!
Oh and by the way I GOT A DATE!!! LOL

*~*~* True Beauty lies within the Imperfections *~*~*
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*~*~* True Beauty lies within the Imperfections *~*~*
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I know I am so excited!!! now you have to harass Pacific tomorrow and tell them you need to know :)
*~*~* True Beauty lies within the Imperfections *~*~*
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Thanks so much. I have to say I couldn't have planned my vacation better. I get to relax the week before surgery... no work no worries :)
*~*~* True Beauty lies within the Imperfections *~*~*
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Thank you so much. I plan on partying down and having a great time, visit the spa, and relax the week away.
*~*~* True Beauty lies within the Imperfections *~*~*
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That is FANDAMNTASTIC !!!!!!!
Congrats on the date Nathalie........But do us a favor next time, Let us know how you really feel
JK.....I am so happy for ya
Have a great day............Rick
Congrats on the date Nathalie........But do us a favor next time, Let us know how you really feel

JK.....I am so happy for ya
Have a great day............Rick
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