5 year anniversary High Desert Dinner
The five year anniversary of the High Desert Dinner will be held on Saturday, January 23rd. It will be at Mimi Cafe (the site of the very first High Desert Dinner) at 6 pm. We really would love to have everyone come out for this one. We are hoping that some of the original diners will come out of retirement to eat a carrot muffin with everyone and some of our newest members will be there also. We want everyone to show up, whether you have attended 50 times or whether you never came out before. Afterwards some of us will head on out to the Rustic Tavern for a nightcap and a little Karaoke. People are coming from as far as the border to attend this event; don't miss this one.
Celest & Gary
Spartacus (wait, is this a duplicate?)
Mimi's Cafe
12032 Amargosa Rd.
Victorville, CA 92392
Celest & Gary
Spartacus (wait, is this a duplicate?)
Mimi's Cafe
12032 Amargosa Rd.
Victorville, CA 92392
you driving?
I'M IN TRAINING AND YOUR HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! http://apla.convio.net/site/TR/Events/NationalAIDSMarathonTrainingProgram-MARATHONONLY?px=1351601&pg=personal&fr_id=1050
Put me down for 2, Jay and I will be there! And of course we will be at the Rustic afterwards, lol!!!! It's already on our calander, we discussed it the other night.
Michelle, you know we will give you a ride home from Rustic if you need one silly girl!!!
Michelle, you know we will give you a ride home from Rustic if you need one silly girl!!!
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick