Pain in the.......
Ok just to start ....... yes, I do have a call into my surgeon's office and am waiting for their reply. I've had this pain that won't go away. It's right next to my pouch right under my rib cage on the right hand side. It's kind of a cramping pain - kinda like someone poking me with their finger. I'm wondering if this could be gallbladder pain?
This pain, while not intense (yet), just needs to go. I am not pleased with it.
This pain, while not intense (yet), just needs to go. I am not pleased with it.
I can relate my dear. I have had horrible pain for two days now. I called my surgeons office and they are working on getting the authorization for an ultrasound. He seems to think by my symptems that it could be gallstones.
I am also NOT pleased with it. My positive thoughts are with you. Hopefully they can find out what is causing your pain
Let us know what happens.
I went into the doctor today and they did an ultrasound. I am full of gallstones, the gallbladder is thick and sludgy. In otherwords it's gone south. Time to 86 it. Damn. They're working on scheduling it now. Off work for a week. Outpatient surgery. Shoot. Too bad they didn't find out about it when they did my rny! The doc did my progress report check up while I was there and was utterly amazed at how well I am doing besides the gallbladder! 65# gone and down 4 sizes!
Hang in there dear. Once the gallbladder is out they say you feel 100000% better!
Hang in there dear. Once the gallbladder is out they say you feel 100000% better!
Hi ladies, didn't your surgeons put you on Actigall?? I had to take it for 3 months after surgery. It helps the GB adjust to the rapid weightloss and is supposed to help you keep from getting gallstones. I haven't had any problems with my GB since surgery. Best of luck to you both. Hope it gets taken care of quickly.

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~