None of my clothes fit!!
This is getting bad, lol
All my tops droop down so low, or fall off my shoulders and don't get me started about my pants, that are around my hips, lol I can't do belts so I'm a glutton for punishment! And bras? Hmmm, must have thrown them all away, I have ONE!
This is sad. But I need to milk them for awhile more until we get back on our feet, but it's crazy how they continue to fall off, lol
Just thought I'd share, I'm sure others are going through the same thing!
I know it sucks, especially when you don't have the cash to buy new clothes!
If you can get a few bucks together, try a thrift shop.
If you can find a fewbasic items like black pants, white dresss shirt, a skrit, a sweater, maybe even a can mix& match a few outfits. I've discovered that I can wear a dress a lot longer than pants when they get too big. Good Luck!
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
And tops probably 16 or whatever the equivalent, I'm wearing a 18/20 and its ridiculous how big and baggy it is, lol
I don't have to wear fancy clothes to work, nor am I a fancy girl, lol I wear dickies and a top to work and I'm fine, lol Thankfully I don't have to get decked out, lol I'm such a tomboy! hee hee!
If you are able. Come join us for our monthly LB coffee. Everytime I have been there was lots of clothes to look through. I donated 3 bags last time. I am down to a size 14 now and even those are getting too big. I am with you. I can't afford to go and buy new clothes yet. Just to "undergrow" them in 2 weeks. Hang in there. I know it's a GREAT thing losing the weight, but it is hard when $$ is tight. Monica P had a great idea too. I actually bought a pair of work pants (liz clayborn dress pants) size 16 at a thrift store for about $3.
Good Luck
Hope to see you there,