Some WOW moments
I went shopping for an outfit for holiday pictures this weekend and discovered I was down 2 sizes. I expected one but not two!
I am officially out of the Morbidly Obese Category.
I don't need to use the handicap stall to take care of business.
I was taking a shower after my water aerobics class and realized that my towel wrapped around all of me.
What I didn't think about with this weight loss journey is I wear a left breast prosthesis because of my mastectomy back and 2000. It doesn't lose weight with the rest of me and I am now lopsided (lol). Insurance doesn't want to give approval for another one since I received a new one six months ago. I do not want reconstruction until I have lost all my weight. Any Ideals for a boob that won't lose weight.
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian