Good Veterans Day Mornin Cali!
Lets all take a moment this morning and reflect on everything our Veterans AND their families have done for us and our country. No matter what your feelings on things like war our veterans made this country free for us to live how we are accustom. Also, lets not forget the current military men and women and their families and all that they sacrifice for us.
I am hoping Janine is getting some much needed rest this morning! There is no way I'm going to try one of her great shoutouts but know I care about each and everyone.
So what's on the agenda for today? Who's working and who's not?
I survived Manic Monday and am back at the grind today. Our company opted to take Columbus day off last month and work Veterans this month. I suspect it to fairly quiet as most people will likely think we are closed.
As Steve would say, stop reading and start typing. Lets hear it.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
Hey GF we were posting at the same time...too funny! I got some sleep in 2 hours...then got up for an hour and took some Ativan and slept until about a hour ago....not doing really good there.
I am glad you took the initative to post....and hell no one is expected to do a shout out....I write short novella's for sure....and you tell how long I am up by the time I get one posted sometimes just by its shear length...YIKEKS!!!!
I hope you do have a great day Sue....things should be quiet all is a well obeserved day around here!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Hope you all have a wonderful day as well!