Good Tuesday Morning Everyone!

Janine J.
on 11/10/08 10:15 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Okay all you earlier risers...were are you and no postie???? Dang kids!!

Well Happy Veterans day to all the men and women who have supported our country...have risked their lives so we can live in the land of the free. I tell you I am proud of them and proud to be an American.

Today there is a parade in downtown Palm Springs and I seriously get tears in my eyes when the Vets march...and proudly. There are still some WWII vets living in the valley and they are treated like royalty. I love it!

Sad but most of my students do not care about this day...they are almost sometimes irreverent about it...they only thing they care about is getting the day off.

You know the day I voted there was an elderly man in front of me....he was a doctor no less for the mirgriant farm workers and their families...we talked the whole time...he says he stays working because they need him so bad and he talked of Cesar Chavez...and I told him I was so said that my students do not know who he is or have some lame story.

Sometimes I do not understand parents or even teachers not raising their children to know who these people are whether it is Vets or a prominent leader in a culture. I know I have said my students that this is part of their history and the Vets are the people who allow us all to live in the land of the free. They kid of look at me....I tend to get somewhat emotional about it...well passionate about it is more like it.

Oh well! So if you are off today...what are your plans...if you are not off...hopefully not having to keep your nose to the gindstone too hard!

Have a wonderful day all!!!


PEACE OUT!!!! Proud 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 11/10/08 10:33 pm - Hesperia, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali Guys and Gals,

I have been up for a while, just can't sleep these days.  Today the kids are off, but all of my therapists for the little ones will still be here.  Laundry and cleaning and cooking will still be here.  But I do get to help my mom re-decorate her room.  We went to IKEA last night and she got a new bed and all the linen things to go with it, so that should be fun.  She got this box spring thing on hydrolics that lifts the entire bed up like a car hood.  It is great for storage and it makes me laugh so I guess that is fun.  Today I think I will organize some more I seem to be getting rid of so much stuff these days and uncluttering my entire house.  I did my closet to get ready for Tom's but I think I need to go a 2nd round on it as I am holding clothes that will never fit me again, just so my closet does not look empty.  Maybe that will be the project of this day?  Well I better go get some coffee and relax.  Janine enjoy your day off and we shall see you some time tomorrow.  Looking forward to it.

Kim K.
on 11/10/08 11:32 pm
Dudette, you SERIOUSLY need to update that avatar!  You don't look anything like it!!!!  Beauty Pageant                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            You didn't look anything like it at the OH dinner a couple of months ago and you've lost even more now!  If you don't have one, I'll take one of you at TF this weekend!  xo  Kim




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


on 11/10/08 11:55 pm - Hesperia, CA
That would be great.  Steve is my Avatar buddy.  He took the last one and even put it on for me as I can't get it to work for some reason!  lol.  I would appriciate you taking one, as I think you are right I look different now.  How was NASCAR?  I hope fun.  Can't wait to see you this weekend!

Love Ya

on 11/10/08 11:20 pm - Anaheim, CA
Good Morning Janine & Cali Crew,

Happy Veterans Day to everyone out there. I hope everyone has a good day. Since I have the day off I think I will just spend the day doing errands.

Kim K.
on 11/10/08 11:29 pm, edited 11/10/08 11:33 pm

   Morning Janine and all the other Cali kids!  I took today off Arlington Cemetery and will defintely be thinking of my Dad, and both brothers who served in the Armed Forces.  My Dad is buried at Riverside National Cemetary, I haven't made it up there on Veterans Day, but I'm sure it's well decorated. 

Not much on my agenda, I think I may go to Michaels, got a craft project I'm working on, I bought what I thought was going to be enough supplies a couple of weeks ago, but turns out I'm short...curses!  Tim just left for work and I'm enjoying the quiet, no tv on!  LOL  The cats have eaten and are curled up on the chairs looking out the window.  I'm bummed, I have a fever blister!  I think it's from over the weekend, my lips got chapped.  I need to go and get some Blistex, that always takes care of it..ok, time to stop yapping...LOL  Ya'll have a good day and tell a Soldierthank you for the freedom you have today!  xo Kim P.S. if you see a solider in line someplace, Starbux etc, buy them a cuppa coffee, make them feel appreciated in a tangible way!




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


on 11/10/08 11:43 pm - El Cajon, CA
Good Morning Janine & Everyone,
Well I found out yesterday that I wasnt working today. The County doesnt want to pay OT and comp time to an orientee. Oh well I am off and I still get paid!! So I have absolutely no plans. I slept like crap last night, tossing and turning and just couldnt get out of bed this morning, so I doubt I will do much.
I know what you mean about Veterans Day but it isnt only the kids. A lot of people who arent from here dont really care about it or get it. I have given up on trying to explain. I just know the value and know the importance!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!! Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

on 11/10/08 11:45 pm - Gualala, CA
Good Morning Janine and California!

I'm off and running this mor ning so just a quick report on a new product I for me, that is.

I ordered a variety pack of ISOPURE Zero Carb 40g protien fruit drinks. Shipping is free right now and it’s on special $10 off!

Apple Melon                             awesome
Icy Grape                                   ok
Alpine Punch                            good
Pineapple Orange Banana   awesome
Mango Peach                           good
Blue Raspberry                        ok

GNC carries it and so does

Hve a great day!



on 11/11/08 12:16 am - Vallejo, CA
Good Morning and Happy Veterans Day all!

I'm at work today, being somewhat related to the medical field our office doesn't take many days off. It's OK though, I prefer to stay working and busy!

So, no big plans for me today, working away and trying to be mindful of all the soldiers out there spending today away from home.

I hope everyone has a great day!

on 11/11/08 12:41 am - Los Angeles, CA

Good Morning All,

I am at work today.  I finished the black sweater last night; all I need is four buttons.  I casted on for my sil's sweater (royal blue)  this morning.  Hopefully, I will be finished by next week.

Thank God for all of the veterans!



Without struggle, there is no progress.

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