Central Valley Chevy's Time!!!
LOL! You are too cute! No need to pitch in gas money, though! I think I didn't realize exactly how far away I was moving until I actually moved, though! I thought I would come back to Modesto at least twice a month-NOT! At 260 miles round trip, I have to be selective about which events I come home for. But this is absolutely worth coming home for! Barring some unforeseen event, I will definitely be there!

YAY I got the message in time.. woot woot and I will be looking forward to seeing you there as well!! Thanks for the Myspace message as well.. you and DeAnna both hit me up there.. I am glad bc I hate missing out on these things.. Love ya and look forward to seeing you Saturday!!

I am there.. so there.. I miss everyone so much.. Can't wait to catch up.. will be bringing Ryan with me.. if there are any objections can someone let me know.. Miss you all.. See ya Saturday!! ((((HUGS))))