Good Monday Morning Cali
True to form...I is here in the middle of the night gang!
Happy Monday to all of you and I feel bad for those who have to go to work today! Our district decided that there would be so many people taking today off that they would go ahead and give us a 4 day weekend! Imagine them doing something nice for us!
Now what about the whacky weather yesterday? I thought it might still be nice here, but NO...never got dressed until 3 yesterday afternoon and that was only because I made dinner to take over to my son's house.
I did however manage to get all my summer clothes put away for the season (I know weird concept to me coming from the bay area where it always seems winter). I am dying as I only have 5 pairs of pants that fit me. Most of the year, I wear shorts or skirts so I have plenty of that. I was thinking that maybe like my jean skirts I will wear with tights. I have such a hard time finding pants that fit right as I have big legs in relationship to my!
Anywho....sounds like a lot of you had a great weekend even if it was only to relax!
Leann....glad the luncheon turned out good. Small crowds are great because then you get to visit with everyone! are just looking your big bright sparkling eyes....I think you said you are going to TF's. Hope to see you again...been years!
Jean I know you are looking forward to getting your car back today. Kind of feels weird when you are grounded eh? What did you do yesterday? No MAC counter for you....I know that at least LOL!!!!
Steve really good to see you back on the boards. Sounds like you had a super hectic week. I know you are looking forward to this weekend as many of us are! Did you ever go back and get a number count for last week?
LuLu....look forward to seeing you and Rhonda this week. I do not think you come out to the desert much do you?
Rhonda if I thought you were stalking me....well that was just a weird comment. You and Lu Lu will have fun driving out here. She mentioned Wang' that in Palm Springs? I can't believe you have already done the Thanksgiving thing....hell I think I am not cooking this year...YAY!!!! I guess you have to be prepared with your large family!
Sue did you get some rest or did Missy Sammi add to being more tired yesterday? I bet you are super glad your boss is back and you are not having to do her job too! That really puts a lot of strain on you! Anyone for that matter!
Jodi...good to hear from you on the boards even though it sucks all the problems that you are having. I would just go ahead and have the carpal tunnel fixed and then you would you would only be dealing with the arthritis. I know it is difficult, but the cortisone is only a temporary fix. Celebrax is expensive because my co-pay is $25 for 2 week supply. It really does help me a lot with my back. I hate taking it though but my doc says it is the safest after wls. I have not repercussions taking it either. a 2 year old....I cannot imagine anymore, but I am sure I will get a good dose of it with my grandbabies in the next year! Hope you had a fun day!
Jan you really are doing fantastic with your wl and going from being a couch spud to doing all you do. You are full of energy and I am so happy for you!
Lisa I hope you get a grib on your daughters behavior...not good having problems in school, but it will help having her close to you when you move. Hard time for sure!
Lisa B...always good to seeing your pretty smiling face around here. I figured you have been super busy with football and all...go Cowboys right? That is way cool about the NFL wanting to do a piece on your club. Will we get to see it? are you doing? Only a few more weeks and hopefully you can lose that sling and your shoulder will have healed okay. It just sucks for you I know, but you have to take all precautions you can! was the running this weekend? I am just so dang proud of you for doing this. You know you will never let anything stop you again by doing this. Many years ago I had an experience that made me realize that I would never have to quite doing anything ever again and learned how to follow through....running the marathon and having a great trainer like Scott who has great dedication will give you that same feeling! YOU GO GIRL!!! Hey are you coming to Tom's Farm? I sure hope so!
Kitty Katt....I think you are doing fantastic with your wl! I told you...I think you got the tiniest hips I have ever seen and who would have though they were under there! You know your wow moments are not that insignificant....I think they are shut up GF!!!
Kim...Miss have been kind of MIA everything okay?
Miss Shells...the cutiest cheerleader of them are you doing too? Get any partying in this weekend?
Joy I think it is just great that you had that big ole spaghetti fed for the Vets... I am sure they were all appreciative even though a few ladies tried to take over!
Chris S....have you found out your schedule yet for work? It sure would be nice if you could make it to TF's....sooner or later we will meet! cool that you and Chuck are coming and on bikes? OMG is that like forever far? You two are the riding fools for sure! I am so proud of you Lizzy....I just still always remember you coming up to me at that picnic and can always see that smiling face of yours!
Nikki how are those fur babies of yours doing? I bet they have some ouchie paws for sure. I have never had a cat declawed, but like you said...they are house babies so it makes sense. My phantom cat never goes outside...she was a ferrel cat and sleeps mostly under my bed or she does love teasing my dogs! You're parents were right about the weather too...OMG it even rained here...okay spit...but still...when I went out yesterday it was only 69....brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! the new board pic....I do not know why it takes some many days for my computer to do an update...that is even when I hit still does not update...go figure...however just want to let you know you look AWESOME!!
Speaking of awesome...have you seen Monica P's new avatar? OMG she looks like a sultry movie star in her pic! You're beautiful Monica and I am so happy for you at how well you have done with your tool!
Monica are you doing sweetie? How is your mom's back doing? She had better take it fun having back problems! I bet Miss Jordyn is doing just stellar too! I am looking forward to meeting her!
Chris R....MIA girl...hope everything is okay!
Janel B...another MIA must be working hard and getting settled into your new place. I bet the weather is getting chilly up there in the bay area! are you doing gf? Did you have a good weekend. Back to the grind of schluping kids to school and all. When do you start school? January?
Kelly you have done so awesome with your wls...OMG you look so dang fantastic at the convention and yes...what a difference a year makes eh? You look so much taller now too...and swear you looked plenty tall when I first met you too! are doing great little angelette. I am glad things worked out too!
Well wanted to thank all of you for your concern over that thing that hurts me in my stomach... it is not grouchy pouchy thing...just hurts....I think it could be a thing of scar tissue that moved...who knows...but if it persists this week, I will call the doctor for sure. I have kind of neglected myself really in terms of going to the docs and all. I said to Jeff last night that the only time I have seen my PCP this year was at 2 weddings and an engagement how sick is that? We have friends in common obviously!
Okay I am going to scoot here and post this small novel. I hope all of you have a great day today!!! If you are off...enjoy it...and remember to follow the rules of wls!!!And, and, and...just because I didn't shout you out...doesn't mean I do not care!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Ya my mom said the weather sucked big time and they had 12 inch rain, in other words 12 inches between rain drops on the ground, lol!!!!
Babies are doing much better now that the bandage are off. They were having such a hard time with them I called the Vet and he said ya take them off. So they are much happier now. I didnt get any pics posted yesterday. My pouch decided to get grumpy and I felt bleck so I just had some Unjury Chicken Soup flavor protein (not bad) and went to bed WAY early. Both babies curled up by me purring, lol.
I have to work today and tomorrow, but such is a nurses life. Atleast tomorrow is holiday pay!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day, working or not!!! Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
Good morning Janine and Cali Friends!
Well, well, well... Monday already! I have to go to work all week... oh well, it's been going pretty fast as I am working harder and more hours! Thank goodness since Christmas is almost here.
We had a good weekend. My inlaws were here and Tommy. We watched movies, I made some delicious chicken enchiladas and it was all good!
The RV saga continues.. ..They are going to come down again next weekend and stay and I guess instead of moving the fence he is going to cut the awning on our house and bring that in a foot, then put the gutters back up since it is all cosmetic any way.....
Whatever makes my husband happy and gets our trailer at our house is ok with me!!! lol God pleeeeze let it fit!!! hehehehe
Anyway, I am off to work early this morning! I have lots of payroll and we are going to be short in the office this week!
Have a great, great day everyone!!!
Jordyn is doing great thanks for asking. She is one super busy gal and I must say she is making me feel old trying to keep up. My mom's back got worse over the weekend so we are improvisiong as much as we can. But as I keep saying this too shall pass. I know that in the blink of an eye I will be back to my ol self and routine. Enjoy your long weekend.
Everyone enjoy the day

I am hoping today is a much better day then yesteray. Talk about a day in heck. Dang
Let tell ya about it but so that you understand,
Code Blue= a medical problem that we have to call 911 for. Yes are a hopital but we a are mental health hospital, and like at home, if something happens we call for help.
Code green= very unhappy camper and we need help, NOW!!!
Now in a code blue, my job is to take notes of everyone there, note the time start and ending and to call 911 and give them the info, then let the sucuity know 911 is coming, and then I copie the chart to send with 911, after that is done, I get the hospital that they are going to on the phone for the doc
And in a code green, I need to take notes of the time it start, and end, note names of everyone there, and make the doc writes the orders and the med nurse is getting the meds.
A show of force is when there MIGHT be a problem, so we just call the units and ask for help before it because a code green. When a code of any kinds happens, that means I stop what I am doing and watching everything.
Yesterday we had 8 code blues, 5 "show of force" 3 of which because code greens that made a total of 15 code greens UGH!!!!!!!!!! It was like I never had a change to breath. I did take a 5 minute break to heat up a hot dog for lunch and I was able to use the bathroom once. (either that or house keeping would have a large mess to clean up in my office)
Trust me, that is a very rare day for. Most times is weeks between codes so to have this mean in a one day. I didn't leave wor****il after 10 last night, trying to finish my work, so I would not leave it for the next MUC coming on. It was HE** at work and I so wish I was able to SLEEP today. All night I kept thinking, did I do this ? or that?
Now on top of all that junk goning on, we also got 18 new pts that had to attended to. I just hope today is a much better day. MUCH better. Yesterday SUCKED!!!!
OK time to hook up my IV for the coffee, then hit the shower.
I wish you all a great day. Janine, Rhonda and I can not wait to see you and spending so great time stalking you. :-D
WAITTTTTTTTTTTTT did you take your vitamins???? Then what are you waiting for?? GO NOW!!
Love ya all
Have a great day everyone - working or not . . .
Thank you Janine for the shout out

I am not convinced yet that the stretching worked for me. I am back to soft foods again. Hurts too much to eat anthing solid again

Cant wait to see everyone on Saturday.

I need another day off after the last week! Oh well, it is what it is and I will look forward to the 5 o'clock whistle for sure today!

None the less, Good Morning to you, and all the Cali Crew, Janine!

It is a very chilly morning here today but the weathercasters are predicting a warm day Saturday for our TOMS FARMS get-together.... yippie! I put up the first post and updates last evening and right now the count of people coming is at 50. I know on the e-vite there were more but I didn't know who some of the people were by their e-vite nicknanes so they are not on the list right now. If you are one that responded on e-vite and are not on the post list please respond to my TF post(s) so I can get you on the list and let the TF coordinnator know how many to set up for.
Thank you!!!!

I did go back and get the numbers for WWW and the total reported weight lost is - 47.8 pounds. Another good week!

Time to get moving here and re-post TF....
Wishing you and all the Crew a terrific Monday Janine.
Enjoy your day off you lucky Mama Bear!