My Luncheon
It always a pain to work with Amateur Cooks. I did the math for portions /size per serving and I knew we would have enough even if our head count went over our estimate which was 225...I planned on 240 just in case. I have been doing this for a very long time so I do have some idea of what to do. I told everyone how much bread,salad and Spaghetti to give each guess and I told them if it is a Vet that is requesting more give it to him.
Well, one of our "notorious fro being nosy" women came barging in and insisted on buying more bread. Fine...3 bought 10 more loaves. We wouldn't have used even that if they would have stuck to serving size! Then and this just kind of pissed me off. They felt we were getting to low on sauce 45 minutes before the end of serving. So they went to the store and bought RAGU!!!!!!!!!Well, I talked them out of putting all 6 jars into the sauce that I prep-ed for most of yesterday. I let them add 2 jars....I am sure you know what I am going to say. Yep, there was 2 1/2 GALLONS of sauce leftover. From the time the ragu was added we only sold 2-3 more plates and there was enough for at least 25 people.
All of these peole are so used to the way the other woman that did it before that they panic and haven't got a clue as to how this all should be done.
This is what I told them when I was showing them serving sizes...I am here to feed them, NOT FATTEN them!!!
Americans are so used to have these huge amounts served to them they don't know what are real serving should even look like. And they get pissed if they don't get those servings!! I ask one of the girls to please give me a 3 ounce serving spoon...I got an 8 oz.! And she works in the food serve industry!
Ok didn't mean to vent. All in all it was a lovely day, good music, great prizes at the raffle and nice to see some of the Vets I watch come home aftr Vet Nam.
I am sorry you had to deal with people like that. But I am glad that you had a nice turn out, and had a good time! You are a wonderful person for volunteering your time like that!
Love ya!

I love my RNY! Find me on myspace but be sure to tell me your from OH!
But for those of us who are grown, I guess they don't see it until the damage is already done.. I am glad you tried to portray that, and am sorry it didn't go over well with some..
Sounds like all in all you had a good time though, even if there were a few bumps in the road...
Joy I am glad your day went well in spite of stupid people. I, myself have a very difficult time judging amounts of food for large crowds. I always have enough though. Like yesterday, I made a huge lasagna....OMG the sauce was to die for even though I had to make it with mild Italian sausage because of Ava...I was freaking out I did not make enough....and like duh....there was just the right amount. People really do not have any idea!
Tomorrow there should be a parade in downtown Palm Springs for the Vets....I go every of the cool things about this valley...they have a dang parade for everything!!! Even golf cart ones!!! LOL
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).