Good Sunday Morning Cali
Well true to form...I am up in the middle of the night. I have been up nearly an hour now....but thought before I try and go back to bed I ought to start the morning thread!
So Good Morning Cali!!!!
I do not know how the weather is where you all live, but I gotta say...I love living here in the desert at this time of the year. 80 degrees...jean and t-shirt weather....warm in a good if we could not have that would be awesome! They sure are scary people...drivers....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks!!!! I know, I know its our valleys source of revenue!
Yesterday I finally took my stuff home from working on the mural. Cleaned it up a bit...but Jeff did more than me because I had litte Miss Ava Bear with me.
I tell you that little girl was so good yesterday being schluped all over the place by her Nee Nee and might I add with little sleep. I was going to keep her the night, but I started having pains in my stomach...was really weird...this golf ball lump came up and it felt like adhesions pulling, but it is right on the incision site...hope it is not a hernia either. The lump has disappeared again....weird.
So what is all on your agenda's today? I am hoping that the weatherbug is wrong and we will not have wind advisories out here like they are saying because I did want to go out and ride my motorcycle today and hate riding when it is windy not to mention the free dermabrasion you get! LOL
Well hope you all have one terrific day and stay true to your pouch!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Have a great day everyone!
Hey Chris as much as I know we need rain...I am always glad we do not get too much rain out here. I was looking at the weather on Friday and it said we have had a total of 3.35 inches of rain to whoopie de doo!!!
Hope you have a relaxing day and go whatever team you are into!
Congrats again on landing another job...gosh us mom's do what we have to do eh? Praying for your family too!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Nothing to much to talk to about going on with me, Just work. Yesterday was Eeeeky at work, so I was in bed by 10 and the alarm scared me this morning. I think that is a first for me. WOW! The day just drained me. UGH! And I get to do it all over this morning. YAY!!
That is my story for the day.
OK time to hook up the IV for my coffee..
Please remember your vitamins. Water and that PROTEIN. All them are what keep us Healthy. The mean reason we went under the knife. So keep count, Keep sipping, And Take them Vitamins!!!
Love to all
I so know what you mean by the snowbirds. When I am there if I am behind someone with cold weather state license plates I just sigh and know I am in for a long, slow, annoying trip!!! I hope it isnt too windy there either, it will just make my dad grumpy and then my mom will get pissy with him and I have to hear it all, lol.
As for today, well with the rain I doubt I will wash the car depends on what the weather man says about the rest of the week since I can wa**** undercover. Other than that get a Sunday paper, relax and baby my babies.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!! Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
Well the weather here is yuck - it it so windy - it woke me up at 3am and I went out front to move a couple of my plants (flowers) so they didn't blow over....rainy and windy - what a perfect day to stay indoors.
Yesterday was busy - I ended up going to breakfast with my sis and a couple of friends then made a trip to Nordstroms to hit their sale. But the worst part is my car - it was acting super weird when I left - like it was going to die everytime I slowed down - so I took it to the dealer and they were able to fit me in. They hoped they could take a look and get it done by yesterday - but alas - I am carless today. It was some kind of ignition switch thingy dingy - but at least it is covered under warranty. But will not be done until sometime tomorrow. So my plans for going to Torrance today to the rubber stamp convention are squashed. Oh well, gotta take care of the wheels.....
So yesterday I ended up spending the rest of the day at my sisters (waiting for the car place to call) then when they said it wouldn't be done I stayed there for dinner and had a couple of glasses of vino then my brother in law brought me home.....
So today - not sure what is happening, my BFF from Torrance may come out here but not sure yet....
Janine I hope you are feeling ok today -
Everyone have a great Sunday and batten down those hatches so you don't blow away.
Hugs to all.
That sucks that your car took a bomb on you Jean, but thankfully you were close to home and not coming back from the LA thingie and getting really stuck!
Our skies have a few floating clouds around the mountians, but the wind.....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hate it! My eyes are a tither!
My tummy is not hurting right now...I wonder if it was all the lifting of Ava yesterday....and of course it did not help lifting that huge bag of thinset. I have really bad scar tissue problems on my upper body from about the elbow up area...maybe that is what I did was pull some scar tissue away....but if it persists...I am going to have to go to the doctors...something I rarely do.
Have a great day my friend and look forward to seeing you next weekend!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).