Good Tuesday Morning Cali

on 11/3/08 10:45 pm - Charleston, WV
Good Morning Cali,

Just wanted to do a quick hello to everyone.  I am just finishing my muscle milk then off to the gym i go woo hoo.  What a day this is going to be with the elections... Can hardly wait to see what happens. Hope everyone has a great day and hugs..


Nov 2007 start 6 month diet at 380 lbs 
Kim K.
on 11/3/08 10:42 pm
 Election Day  That's where we're heading right now!  xo  Kim 




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


Maureen N.
on 11/3/08 11:18 pm - Redding, CA
Good Morning All!  It was a rainy thundering night last night!  WE had one clap of thunder right over the house (so it felt) and I ended up with a yellow dog immediately in my lap burrowing under my blankie.  Poor little Roxy.  I let her stay and comforted her until she stopped shaking.   Isn't there a rule somewhere that if the old man borrows your car he returns it with more gas in it than when he took it?  And never leve it with the "feed me" light on?  Joe borrowed my car last night and when I got in this morning the feed me light was on (had 1/2 a tank!) and the passenger side door handle was ripped off.  Hmmmm, me thinks someone has some repair work to do!

It is so lucky I had my surgery when I did!  A new management company has taken over SRMC where I had my surgery, cut 165 people right off the bat (seems they're all the most senior people in departments) and many programs are in jeopardy.  Wow!  I haven't heard how the Barriatric department fared but I'm waiting for a return call.  Scary stuff, but sure glad I made it through before all the stuff hit the fan.

Have a marvelous day everyone.  We here in the north electric department are working on storm damage repair.  Busy day for me!

Create Your Own Ticker

on 11/3/08 11:41 pm - Hesperia, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali Gals and Guys!

I am so glad so many of you had a wonderful time at the convention!  The pictures are great!  I wish I could have gone!  I think I told some of you that it was our 11th wedding anniversary on Saturday and I think you all know my new passion is hiking!  Well my husband pulled a fast one on me.  He arranged a sitter for Saturday a.m. till Sunday night so he could wisk me away.  We went out your way Janine and it was great.  He took me up the tram and we went on a 5 mile hike up at 8500 ft.  It was wonderful and exausting.  Took me to the cutest B&B  50's style place it was wonderful.  He even arranged a special Breakfast with the place for me!  I was impressed.  Funny thing though he did not know it was Gay Pride Weekend.  My huband is a bit **** phobic in a crowd of gay people!  lol.  We found out about this when we went to dinner and I was the only woman there.  Took me a while to notice as I was having a great time with my hubby.  ONce we figured it out we laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants.  Then on Sunday morning we decided to check out the parade, so we borrowed bikes from the B&B and went on a 2 hour bike ride.  You should see how these people were dressed We got a great laugh and we also got tons of exersize.  Then we went back to the B& B  and walked all over down town for about 3 hours.  Then we drove to Crestline and went bowling and then to dinner.  It was a wonderful 2 days.  I think we both fell deeper in to love with each other.  It was wonderful.  I really had fun walking and riding a bike.  I was surprized that I could after not doing that for so long.  I did fall off once.  We were on the bike path and all of a sudden all these people come out of a building tons of them.  Later we found out it was a church.  So I stopped the bike quick and all these people were surrounding me and I got dizzy and fell over.  I was laughing hysterically as I thought it was funny.  Here we ride over bumps up and down hills and I am there stopped and I fall over.  What a hoot.  But it was a wonderful weekend with lots and lots of fun!  Thanks for listening.  Have a super duper day!  Rhonda
Nicole D.
on 11/3/08 11:45 pm - Lathrop, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali Crew.

I noticed the events page yesterday, and saw the San Ramon event. I think I might go! Its only about 40 mins away from me! I would LOVE to meet some other OHers!

Also I posted some new pics on my profile, if anyone would like to see.

Well I hope everyone has a beautiful day. And Janine try not to blow away in all of that wind!! lol

I love my RNY! Find me on myspace but be sure to tell me your from OH!
Katt M.
on 11/3/08 11:53 pm, edited 11/4/08 2:29 am - Fontana, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali. Thanx for the great shout out again this morning Janine... =) I have four more days (including today) of trainging. In fact, I have another test today. So please think good thoughts for me. Nothing much on the agenda today, except getting things put away from when I got home from LA, and I have a Pampered Chef meeting tonight. I hope everyone has a great day... =)

Update: I passed my test today with 100%!!! Woooohooooo!!! Yay me!!! lol
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Janel B
on 11/4/08 12:35 am - Oakley, CA

Got to sleep in a bit this morning, and will be sleeping more today, as I don't wor****il 7 tonight....whoo hoo!!!

I'm house/dog sitting right now, and have been since yesterday. I vegged out yesterday, and started reading the Twilight series, but feel asleep at like page 20! Then one of my sister's neighbors came over and we visited until late, which was nice.

Today I'm just reading, and then going to work. I'm taking a break from unpacking boxes and will probably finish up this weekend.

Have a great day, Luv U Guys!
vicki M.
on 11/4/08 12:53 am - NAS Lemoore, CA
All is well in my hood.  Just hanging out in the AMs with my little guy and his buddy until I take them to Kindergarten.  Then I sometimes go help out in his class or I come back home and take care of things around here.

The thing I told you about is that I got a scholarship for a medical transcription course that is provided by Operation Life Transformed that gives military spouses the oppurtunity to get schooling done in med transcription, med coding, real estate or some other courses.  I chose the med transcription so that I could (hopefully) work from home once I am done with the course.  My classes start December 1st and I am SO looking forward to it because I feel like I have been doing NOTHING for the last 3 months!!

Anywho~ the next time that we will be down that way is in December.  Mike and I are taking a 5 day cruise out of San Diego.  Not sure how long after we get back from the cruise that we will be there......although, I am fairly certain that by the time we get back, our kids are going to be ready to leave their grandparents house.  I could be wrong though! 

Well, off to take care of some  Thanks for the shoutout!

Take care and talk with you soon!
Vicki M Proud NAVY wife and veteran!!!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

on 11/4/08 12:55 am - San Dimas, CA
Good morning Janine and Calf friends,   Janine I didn't get a chance to tell you over the weekend, but I love your shout outs!!!  You do such an awesome job!!!!

Sorry I didn’t get a chance to post anything yesterday…just a crazy day at work then I got home just in time to make dinner go on my walk and then head back out the door for my support group meeting. 
  I am putting all my pictures together and will post them within the next couple days.. I also had a wonderful time this past weekend at the OH event. It was REALLY GREAT MEETING EVERYONE!!! Janine, yes I will post the picture of Laura and I…6’1” and 4’8” it does look pretty funny and you are correct Laura is a very nice person.    Becky you and Carol are very welcome. There was no way I would have let you guys or anyone sleep in a car. It was really great hanging out with the two of you.   Jean….OMG!!!! You are such a sweet-heart!!! I have some protein bars for you….PM me your address and I will mail them out to you.   Well, I better get back to work….I look forward seeing everyone at Tom’s Farm on the 15th.   Until we meet again…stay safe and have a WOUNDERFUL DAY!!!!   Michele
on 11/4/08 4:00 am - Ellensburg, WA

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



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