"goal" weight

I'M IN TRAINING AND YOUR HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! http://apla.convio.net/site/TR/Events/NationalAIDSMarathonTrainingProgram-MARATHONONLY?px=1351601&pg=personal&fr_id=1050
Don't make me come and kick your skinny butt......you are in no way a failure....you are gorgeous and an inspiration to us all. But I too have some of the same questions. I am at 187 right now and would be very pleased to lose20 more lbs before plastics. Now about that nekkid thing...omg I haven't had my clothes off that much in 15 years, nor been felt up by that many men in such a short time period...lol. I am so looking forward to the plastics to complete this journey - now we just have to do the creative money thing.
Just stay strong and keep tracking what you are eating. I can so relate to what you are saying about the cracker thing....OMG I could live on some crackers and a glass of wine for dinner every night (but alas I don't do it to often - but only on occasion).
I love you girl and you look great....
see you soon.
Oh gosh, did you have an evaulation with Dr. Huritz?? It was so awkward!!! He was running his hand over my @$$ and saying "you have nice buttocks, would you agree?" What the heck???!!
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Hey are you going to the Toms Farms thing? It sounds like fun...I am planning on going.....
I thought that I would talk to a plastic surgeon and see what they think..... I'm in a size 13 and haven't been here in years...
~~ It's all fun and games, til someone gets hurt~~
Monica for starters you are doing great and have done great. You have to give yourself a break little one.
As far as the plastics and your ideal weight....well that is up to you for sure. I was a lot heavier when I had my first go around with plastics. In the LBL....I had 24 pounds of skin and tissue removed, but the reason I tell you this is for you not to get confused. You do not necessarily lose the weight of the skin that is removed. I am not trying to burst your number goal thing, but it has something to do physiological that occurs with the body that Dr. Katzen had explained to me.
He said that the reason that most seem to lose more weight after healing is that they are more active. I would have to agree with him too.
I do have to tell you also that for me...my skin did not take a hit after losing the weight I have this year. On Saturday, Katzen grabbed my stomach and said I still cannot pinch and inch. We grinned at each other.
So my point is...whether you have surgery in another 10-20 pounds or wait for more WL....you have to love yourself and the body the good Lord gave you. I am telling you Monica...having a latina body is a good thing and you want to have junk in your trunk unlike a lot of us flat asses and some who have gone on to have implants and injected fat. I would not think that would be fun....I would rather have the NOASS syndrome LOL
Love yourself Monica...we all love ya and we all think you are doing a super fantastic job!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).