Need info on 6 month labs
My PCP is not WLS savy in our needs. She gave me a lab sheet but think its missing a few things. It has the following marked.
Comp Metabolic (cmp)
Lipid Profile
CBC, Diff & Plts
Vitamin B-12
Vitamin B1
Is Ferritin testing better than Iron? Whats the difference? Think one of those should have been marked.
Thinking either the T-4 or TSH (3rd Gen) should be marked for thyroid. What the difference? Which one is better?
My Potassium was low on discharge from surgery. Is that included in the Lipid Profile or somewhere else.
Lab draw is tomorrow. Any info would be great!
Comp Metabolic (cmp)
Lipid Profile
CBC, Diff & Plts
Vitamin B-12
Vitamin B1
Is Ferritin testing better than Iron? Whats the difference? Think one of those should have been marked.
Thinking either the T-4 or TSH (3rd Gen) should be marked for thyroid. What the difference? Which one is better?
My Potassium was low on discharge from surgery. Is that included in the Lipid Profile or somewhere else.
Lab draw is tomorrow. Any info would be great!