Good Monday Morning Cali
I was great seeing old and meeting new frineds this weekend. The best thing about the convention is it reminds me that we all have come a long way from where we were and we have to keep focused on being healthy and happy!!
Thanks again everyone for your support!! I'm the person I am because all the great people I've met here and Janine you can get a lift anytime!!

Good Afternoon Janine and Cali~
This was my first OH event and it was FABULOUS!!!!! As a newbie (almost 4 weeks out) I got sooooo much good info and support ( and great samples). I had a great time talking with Janine and Charlie and getting tips to be as successful as they both are.
I especially need to thank Janet and Little Michelle for taking me under their wing for the weekend and giving me great tips and encouragement. Can't wait for the next one.
Have a great Day Melissa
I have been outta town in Dallas for the last few days and forgot about you all going to the convention. I came on here tonight to see whats been going on and I saw some pics fromt he weekend amd have totally lost more weight since the last time I saw you! You are really thing girl!!! I am soooo jealous! You rock...way to go!!!
I may be out your way next weekend to see the parents...if so I will give you a shout out and stop by and see the mural!
Love Ya!