My Body Is Doing Weird Things......
As most of you know, I had my ps (lbl, brachioplasty) Aug. 8th, and ran into huge complications, lost so much blood I almost died. My body after that for the most part wouldn't heal itself, and I had to have a home health nurse care for open wounds, etc. ....I was a mess.
I am much better now, my labs are normal, and I just went back to work a few days ago.
But my body is just not quite "there" yet.....
My hair is falling out big time.....not like with the RNY, as then it kinda broke off and was dry and, when I take a shower, and then comb my hair, I literally have a handful of long hair, it just comes out from the roots.
I went to the dermatologist last week because i had what I thought was a suspicious mole on my arm.....doc said it wasn't a mole, but kinda like a blood blister thing, like I must have banged my arm on something. It's getting lighter now, so he must be right.
Yesterday I moved into a new condo. After being on my feet all day, I developed a blister on my big toe from my tennies. I've had this happen before with these shoes, but this time it was a big 'ol blood blister. It hurts and looks hideous!
I am also still very tired, and cry an awful lot.
I am thinking that this is all related to the stress/trauma from the surgery.
Anyone have any similiar experiences? Any opinions, professional or otherwise?
Thanks in advance.

((((((((((((Janel))))))))) I tell you this is normal so to speak. Your body was traumatized from surgery. I also had a great amount of hair loss through the surgeries and thought for sure I was going to bald. In fact, it was worse for me than when I had wls. Hair in the big picture is not needed by our body to survive. So what happens is our body does not really supply the hair with the nutrients...hence it falls out. All the anesthesia contributes to part of it too. It will come back again and then you will have to deal with the short frizzes while it comes back in LOL!
I do not know about the blister stuff. I think that part of you is much more acutely aware of your body than ever before. I know my body and skin is very hypersensitive now and I guess it is going to have to be a fact of life for me.
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
I think that with all that's happened, it's going to take awhile to feel normal. My sister is worried about me I can tell. It's just been a rough road, and I go from being fine with everything and thankful for being alive, to being paranoid when my body does one thing that I feel is out of sync from what it used to do...oh well, in time I'm sure I'll get better.
I appreciate your support more than you'll ever know. I can't wait to someday meet my dear friend!
Luv U

Hugs, DIane
Concerning the emotions...many men face this on the Men's Board. Guys who are never emotional all of a sudden get that way. They start freaking out. What we believe is that hormones that have been stored in our fat cells, get slowly released into our system. It takes awhile for them to run their way though. Get well girl. Brian
I wish I had answers for you but keep bugging your docs and stay on top of it (labs, tests, etc.). I'm sure you are. The only other thing is that you stay in contact with your PS and just let him know what's going on. He may not have a solution or answers but at least he might know of anyone else who's had this experience? Who knows....
Take care and big hugs to you!