My Body Is Doing Weird Things......
Hi Janel,
Glad your doing better. I can totally relate to how your feeling. It took me about a year to get back normal after my plastics. Plastic surgery was the hardest recovery based on all the other surgeries I've had. Even my WLS was a piece of cake. Plastics wiped me out for a good 2 months then I slowly started to recover but it took me almost a year to get back to normal. I lost a lot of hair and it has since grown back and I'm finally able to workout and do other activities without feeling so exhausted after. My energy level is finally back to normal. So take it easy and give your body time to recover.
Glad your doing better. I can totally relate to how your feeling. It took me about a year to get back normal after my plastics. Plastic surgery was the hardest recovery based on all the other surgeries I've had. Even my WLS was a piece of cake. Plastics wiped me out for a good 2 months then I slowly started to recover but it took me almost a year to get back to normal. I lost a lot of hair and it has since grown back and I'm finally able to workout and do other activities without feeling so exhausted after. My energy level is finally back to normal. So take it easy and give your body time to recover.

~*~ HaPpInEsS iS a JoUrNeY nOt A dEsTiNaTiOn ~*~