Questions on Psych Eval??
So I am a bit paniced
about my Psych Eval coming up in on the 4th..
I know that everyone has a bit of a different experience, but am curious as to some of the things that others have had to do, or gone through with their Psych Eval.
How long is the Apt?? What kind of questions do they ask??
I appreciate your time and help.. I am just scared/nervous.
Big Hugs To All,

I know that everyone has a bit of a different experience, but am curious as to some of the things that others have had to do, or gone through with their Psych Eval.
How long is the Apt?? What kind of questions do they ask??

I appreciate your time and help.. I am just scared/nervous.
Big Hugs To All,

I know that I should just stop, take a deap breath, and just relax, but I guess I am just all worked up and want this part to be over.. I already have approval from my Dr. now I just have to get through the Psych and Insurance approvals and I then can relax. (or try to at least) LOL
To me the Psych, and Insurance approvals are the hard part, and the part that I am most scared about.. I will not live long if I stay at the weight I am (or if I get bigger) so the surgery part for me and the possible things that can go wrong of course are in the back of my mind, but I could die tomorrow from a heart attack, or some other weight related problem if I don't get this help, so the surgery although hard, is not my biggest fear, someone telling me NO is my biggest fear.
Thanks for your input and support. I will try not to panic, but can't make any promises.. LOL
To me the Psych, and Insurance approvals are the hard part, and the part that I am most scared about.. I will not live long if I stay at the weight I am (or if I get bigger) so the surgery part for me and the possible things that can go wrong of course are in the back of my mind, but I could die tomorrow from a heart attack, or some other weight related problem if I don't get this help, so the surgery although hard, is not my biggest fear, someone telling me NO is my biggest fear.
Thanks for your input and support. I will try not to panic, but can't make any promises.. LOL
Hi Jenn,
It's really not as bad as you think it's going to be. They just want to make sure that you are psychologically ready to accept this lifestyle change. They also probe (not too much) to see if there are any other underlying issues that need to be dealt with prior to surgery. You'll do fine!!! I was freaked out thinking OMG will she find something wrong with me because I can't stand going out to restaurants with booths, or OMG she'll tell them I can't proceed because I get too emotional over the fact that I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I need surgery to help me lose this other person I'm carrying with me. Yes, I'm carrying the weight of two people!! It turns out that it's very normal for us to feel this way and that we feel, know and accept that this is the time to correct it!
Good luck with your Evaluation. I have Orientation on the 4th so I'll be thinking of you.
PS - this is my second time in the program, just a different facility that's closer to home that's making me start from the beginning...
It's really not as bad as you think it's going to be. They just want to make sure that you are psychologically ready to accept this lifestyle change. They also probe (not too much) to see if there are any other underlying issues that need to be dealt with prior to surgery. You'll do fine!!! I was freaked out thinking OMG will she find something wrong with me because I can't stand going out to restaurants with booths, or OMG she'll tell them I can't proceed because I get too emotional over the fact that I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I need surgery to help me lose this other person I'm carrying with me. Yes, I'm carrying the weight of two people!! It turns out that it's very normal for us to feel this way and that we feel, know and accept that this is the time to correct it!
Good luck with your Evaluation. I have Orientation on the 4th so I'll be thinking of you.
PS - this is my second time in the program, just a different facility that's closer to home that's making me start from the beginning...
Oh I am so sorry to hear that you have to start this process all over again.. Hopefully this time it will take NO time at all.. Good Luck with your oreintation.. I will be thinking of you too. Remember to ask all your questions, and take a bottle of water or something with you, I got thirsty, by the time I got there the few drinks they had there were gone..
Thank you so much for all your support.. It is much appreciated Shelly..
Thank you so much for all your support.. It is much appreciated Shelly..
Mine was almost a joke, it was so dumb, lol
I came out there giggling to myself that it was so simple.
Did I lie about some stuff, yes. Not things I wanted to get into with someone I didn't know and wasn't planning on having a history with. So it was easy.
He literally asked questions about your past, drug usage, alcohol, smoke? Was there any sexual abuse etc etc.
If you have had any of those issues and feel they are behind you then I see no need to bring them up... They just want to be sure you're not a psycho and you have some sort of support system.
Somehow I passed, lol hahaha