GROUP INSURANCE for WLS and layoff

on 10/29/08 3:50 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
Hi Cali Crew,

I just heard my company Gannett will reduce staff by 10% sometime between Nov. 15 and Dec. 1. Lovely... and at Holiday time too! Just putting this out there at this point in case I'm on 'the' list.

My question is, if we're not eligible for individual healthcare coverage due to our Gastric Bypass and healthy as all h@ll. What are our options with group plans? Is there an association you've joined in order to acquire group health coverage? What have you done. And no getting on a husbands plan is not an option, cause then I've have to finally say 'YES' and get married.

Thank you all!
highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
Stephanie O
on 10/29/08 4:25 am - Happy Place, CA

I had this issue a couple of years ago Kim and no, I could not get individual coverage.  I had just come off a group plan through Blue Shield.  They had paid for my RNY and when I tried to get a plan on my own through Blue Shield, they turned me down because of the gastic bypass. 

As far as non work related groups, off the top of my head there is National Association of Self Employed.  It was fairly reasonable a number of years ago, but the coverage wasn't all that great. The best shot you have is picking up COBRA when and if they let you go and then finding another job with a group plan.  You cannot be turned down if you are joining a companies' group plan.  Once I found another job that offered group insurance, there was no problem with my getting covered and no pre-existing condition restrictions either.


(deactivated member)
on 10/29/08 9:49 am - Livermore, CA

I don't know if it's an option at your company, but some companies let you add domestic partners.  I know my company does.  If you have lived with your bf, gf, partner for 3 years, there are ways to get added to their benefits. 

I also work for a law firm in SF, which is very liberal!

I don't know if it's an option, but I thought I would throw it out there....

Hopefully you won't even need to worry about this...  fingers crossed...

Good luck,


on 10/29/08 2:17 pm - Gualala, CA
We went with COBRA, it's good for 18 months.  After that we had to go with MRMIP, a state run program for uninsurables. Blue Cross is the carrier for MRMIP.



Janine J.
on 10/29/08 7:23 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

I hope you are not on the hit list. As far as health insurance, I thought it is against the law to discriminate against people with pre existings any longer. I know when my oldest son was younger, I had to fight for insurance because of his heart condition. He is insurable now through Jeff though.

All I know that I was denied and upgrade on my life because of the bypass for a period of 4 years I think. It was lifted I do know that.

I wish I could more of a help Kim...just pray that you do not lose your job and for some reason I cannot see you saying "I do!" However between now and the end of the thinks you are not going to make too many Marshall trips! LOL

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