Its Whacky Weigh In Wednesday
Nikki - I'm so sorry about your furbaby . . . and I know what you mean about the house being to empty . . . we did the same thing after I had to put my dog down . . . but I got cats because they don't tie me down as much. Have fun checking out the new kitties!
Jeni . . . welcome to bandster hell. You have to remember that we don't lose weight the same way bypass people do . . . and I can tell you that you will hit stalls here and there all over the place. This is a slower journey . . . BUT . . . it does get us where we are going eventually! I had times I didn't lose anything for 3-4 weeks. You just have to keep plugging away - and even if you aren't losing weight - you quite possibly are losing inches!
No weight change for me this week .. . but considering I spent a week in Hawaii . . .I'm happy with that! Finally got back to water aerobics last night . . .and came home with my hip hurting again .. . so think I'll skip a day. Walk Walk Walk . . . but it's better than nothing!
Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning All! Nikki sorry about your babies - I lost my 4 kitties all within a year and it sucked. But now I have the pup-a-razzi (3 labradors) and they're enough company for me sometimes.
I am down yet another 5 pounds this week bringing my total to 55! I'm tired and dragging butt this week and so I am starting a food journal to make sure I am actually getting in enough nutrients. I take my vitamins, but want to make sure I am getting in all my protein.
Off to work for me........ Everyone have a wonderful day
Good morning Janine and California!
I'm down 1.1 for a total of 48.8 since July 9. My life has changed so much. I'm able to go down stairs like a normal person again and cross my legs. Pretty amazing stuff that most people take for granted. :)
This morning I get my hair cut and permed. I'll walk into the hotel Friday and wash my hair. There's more root digging to do. And start to pack, of course! I usually think about things to take and lay them on the guest bed and pack the night before we leave.
Have a great day!
Have a beautiful day everyone!!

I love my RNY! Find me on myspace but be sure to tell me your from OH! hurts more than words can say to lose our beloved furry freinds. I've done animal resuce for years, but stopped when I reached the ticketing point with my city codes...(ssshhhhhh, I went beyond that point..5 dogs, 6 cats) . I am now down to 4 dogs and 3 kittys....and each one hold its own place in my heart and LAP on a cuddely day. You will find a new loving companion or two and ofcourse your memories of past fuzzy ones will keep you smiling.
Now...weight loss?? humm..I am 8 days post-op RNY and 2 pounds below my pre-op I guess that means I lost 2 pounds, even though I gained all the pre-op weight back plus 3 pounds right after surgery. I'll let the masters do the
I had my first soft food meal last night and I thouroughly enjoyed my tilapia and smidge (tip of fork) of potatoes. I measured out 2 oz. of the tilapia and could only eat half..had the other 1 oz later..was just as good! doctor has stated no do I get my fiber and roughage so to go potty??? I am thinking of adding a pinch of wheat germ to my applesauce...whatcha think?
Have a good middle of the week day...
Kim from Fontana