Good Tuesday Morning Cali

Maureen N.
on 10/28/08 5:07 am - Redding, CA

I worked in Burney for 17 months.  This is one of my favorite places.  However, in January when it's EIGHT degrees outside at 7 am it's not one of my favorite places!  It's so pretty up there when covered with so and I'm inside looking out!  I'm a princess.............I don't shovel snow!




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Janel B
on 10/28/08 2:33 pm - Oakley, CA
Yeah, I remember some pretty cold winters up there...we moved my folks up there in '88, and it was during a horrendous snow storm! My car was buried in snow, and I remember "white knickling" the steering wheel as I drove over Hatchett!

But, I never got tired of going to the Falls and hiking around Lake Britton...that is just one beautiful place. when my folks moved into Redding we'd always walk that trail that goes along the Sac was up by the hospital, and right next to a bridge that had a sundial I believe....
Living Life
on 10/28/08 12:48 am - Riverside, CA
Good Morning Calif.........

Janine,,, I hope your fingers are doing better today. I remember when I had to sand my car so it could be painted. and I done it by hand. (about 20 years ago) I wanted to cut my fingers off. They hurt so bad and where so cut up. OUCH!

Today I go see the doctor about my back. Yesterday, and for about 4 days before that, I was pain free, the the pain starting again. Dang it! But its not no where as bad as it has been. Maybe she can do something to help. Right now, the pay is just the small of my back and my left foot numb and tingly, but the tingling is very fant. But the left foot thing is new, I have not had any problems with my left foot, everthing has been the right.

OK time get moving.

Wish you all a great day. Love ya

Katt M.
on 10/28/08 1:01 am - Fontana, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali! Today is another day of training for my IRS job. Thank goodness I can work from home. I hope everyone has a great day! =)
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Jeni H.
on 10/28/08 1:39 am

Good Morning Janine and Cali Friends!!!

Gosh, I thought I would be going back to work today, however my work has not recieved the Release from my Doc yet.  bummer..... lol

So I am going to go over to my mother's house and take Tasha  German Shepard and we are doing a "play date" for the dogs!   Frisbee My sister is coming over with her's as well.  It should be fun.

I also thought I would run over to the trailer and make up the bed and put all of my fun little kitchen stuff I bought to put in there to really make it like our little second home!  

Janine, I am so sorry about the Computer problems.  I just totally hate when stuff like that happens, it IS SOOOO FRUSTRATING!!!

I hope you all have a great, great day!!!

 Halloween Jeni  XO

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

(deactivated member)
on 10/28/08 1:40 am - Vacaytown, HI
Yeah the weekend is fast approaching day by day.  I need to take my stuf to the drycleaners today so I can look presentable at the conference lol. 

I think I slept all of 3 hours last night.  Doh.  So I have double bags under my eyes today.

Shoutout to my skydiving ladies...lets do it!!

I gotta get my b12 today so maybe the bags will go away after that lol.
on 10/28/08 2:24 am - Los Angeles, CA
Hi Everyone,

Janine- sorry to hear about your deadline and your computer issues.  I hope both gets resolved quickly and to your satisfaction.

Well, I have my costume now.  I will be a green fairy.    I got my costume at a 20% discount too because it had a one inch tear in the waistline. One manager said to give the 20% discount the other one said give me 10% discount.  The first manager won.  I even bought some fake green eyelashes to match.    I need some stockings, some facial glitter and some cheap flats to wear (maybe a wig).

More Love,
Without struggle, there is no progress.

*KiminFontana* *.
on 10/28/08 2:31 am - Fontana, CA
Hello post-op is today....cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, and I come!!! 

Kim in Fontana
on 10/28/08 2:46 am - San Dimas, CA

Hi Janine and everyone!!!

Janine sorry for your crapy day yesterday...I hope today brings much better things for you.  I am in Stockton with my husband til tomorrow...he is working and I am sitting in the hotel just relaxing.  I am going to go over to Marshall's this morning to see if I can find some size 10 or smaller pants....boy, does that sound so good to say!!!!!!



Nikki,  CONGRATULATIONS on your updoming surgery.  How exciting!!



Monica, I am glad you feeling a little better...pain management!!!!


Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!


(deactivated member)
on 10/28/08 2:47 am - So. Cal, CA
Morning Cali!

I am here lurking just been in one of my quite moods.  Just wanted to say Hello and tell everyone to have a good week.

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