Good Tuesday Morning Cali
OMG I must be jonsing for the weekend because when I originally typed the subject in I wrote Thursday morning!
Bet at any rate...a super happy tuesday to you all and let hope for a great day eh?
Personally I had one of the worst Mondays on record and it was not because my students were being turds or anything like is computer issues.
Remember a few weeks ago my puter died...the ever so precious computer I do the yearbook on. Well I go out and buy new problemo...yesterday I tried to load InDesign CS3 into it...and guess won't work because even so Microsoft says they worked the bugs out with Vista...the fact that I have a 64 bit processor or whatever the "f" it is go. So I am sitting in heart is nearly ready to explode because I am so stressed out as I have a cover due today....and I am screwed. I worked and worked on it last night (finding solution to problem) but nothing worked.
Everytime I get stressed so bad like that, my heart does this weird thing of making it feel like it swells up and then drops if that makes sense. I have been put in hospital over this about 8 years ago....and all they can say is my heart skips a beat of some weird crap. I think they were stupid...but then that is another whole story hehehehehehehe!
I am sorry for being such a blabber mouth about me...I just had to vent is all...there is a solution...there is a solution...oh yeah I know...quit doing the yearbook, return the friggin computer and slap the ***** who sold it to me...quit working, play with grandchildren...ride my does that sound like a winner or what?
So what about you all? Is it going to a winner of a day? The weather is good for sure!
Scott is looking fantastic!
Steve you had a weekend like I had fair!
Kim I said to Scott the other day...wanna take bets on if Kim is going to hit the new Marshalls? We laughed our asses off! See we know your number!
I do not remember the rest you all,....I have to go and hit the rain locker and start the glorious day...there was a silver lining in the cloud though....I slept LOL
Have a great day all of you....know that you are cared about!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
OH man that just sucks about the computer issues.....I am so sorry you had such a crappy day.
Myday yesterday was long and boring....spent the better part of the day at the work comp appeals board (sitting around waiting while my attorney and the other attorneys tried to has out some kind of settlement.....and - like has been happening for the past 6 years - they schedulae yet another hearing in January (2009) yep - more waiting. Seems no one wants to pay and everyone is saying it is the other ones responsibility....whatever. My attorney did say we were getting somewhat closer to settlement. Now today I need to go through all of my paperwork from 6 yrs ago (thank god I saved everything, now I just have to find where I saved it - what box is it all in) and send him some documents to prove which insurance co is responsible....this whole things sucks but Iwill not give up - (which I think they would prefer to happen). I just want PacifiCare and their ins co to take responsibilty and pay up and get this over with. I was there yesterday from 8 in the am until 1:30 pretty much doing nothing but sitting, reading and waiting.....
Ok done is low key until this evening when I get to go to ClaimJumper and celebrate with Willa - its her b-day AND her 1 year surgiversary.....woo hoo, I can't wait.....
So everyone have a great day.....its getting closer to the weekend and the big LA event..
Hugs to all
Jeanine beanie....I am sorry you had such a crappy day too....WC sucks butt for sure!!! Don't give up EVER if you believe in what you are fighting for!
BTW...gonna send you my # so we can find each other on Saturday!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Sounds like a plan for Sat....I had to laugh when you called me Jeannie Beanie - thats what my oldest sister calls funny.....
Can't wait to see you Sat....I am gonna make sure that the camera is charged up to the fullest so I can take tons of pics...
Hope you have a much better day....
Love ya lots girlfriend.

Wouldn't that be nice to have the weekend, and the LA Event, on the horizon?!??!!

But, in any case, Good Morning and Happy TUESDAY to everyone!!!

Sorry to hear you were stressed over the software problems J... that sucks where you have a deadline I know! Did you ever figure out the issue? I just looked at the Adobe site and it looks like you should be able to use this on your machine... here's a link to some posts on this situation, maybe there is a solution for you there:
CS3 and Windows Vista 64 bit
Today I need to finish calling my Poll Clerks to be sure they are all on board and ready for our long day working the election a week from today. 6am at the school in Highland until at least 9pm... long day but glad to be a part of the process.
Time to get a move on here so I will say adios and have a great day California!
Bummer about the software/computer issues Janine. Sometimes I wonder if there is anything more stressfull.
We had a super busy weekend last weekend with all the halloween stuff, and yesterday was OMG busy at work. My boss is in Sicilli and I'm covering some of her accounts and ran into a snafoo. Today is a new day. I'm grateful my in-laws kept sammi for the night so DH and I could get some much needed rest.
Better get a move on. Gonna hit the door runnin again today.
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
I am sorry you had a crappy day, I hate computer problems. I had a bad day fur baby was put to sleep, the house seemed so empty when I came home. The orientation was boring as could be and I found out today is computer orientation, which I already had. I am praying it is something new or I am going to go insane,
The good news I got my panni date Nov 20th WoooHoooo. Tried to get really excited, but couldnt really because of my baby.
UGH I dont want today to happen I just wanna go back to bed!! Oh well better finish getting ready and go.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!! Be good to yourselves and others!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott