Good Monday Morning Cali

Janine J.
on 10/26/08 7:53 pm, edited 10/26/08 8:01 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Is it Friday yet?  ROTFLI do not know why I am up at this ungodly hour...oh yeah I know boxer Maggie pushed me out of bed almost! She had a very rough day yesterday...when we got home yesterday from working all day...we found her out in front...scared the begibbers out of us as this has never happened before. The neighbor across the street said she paced in front of the house all day...he opened the gate to our front door for her, but she still paced. I was freaked Mickey and Molly got out too...but they were there. Poor Maggie is traumatized and her hind legs and hips are really sore.

BTW....Happy Monday to all of you!!!!

It is such a relief to be done with the mural. I will go by there today and see if there is any haze left on it. Jeff washed it with muric acid yesterday so that should have done the trick.

Thank you all again for the support you have shown me through this and for sharing my enthusiasm. Not only was it a great tribute to Laura, but to all the women who have been through and who are going through such a devasting disease. I do have a picture of Laura which I will post later on today...she was a very beautiful woman and from what I can gather that went far below the skin. and the hell are all of you??? I really miss doing shout outs and even though my fingers know I am going to be back in the helm and typing away!

I am worried because I do not think Steve has been on the boards, but it is not like I have been reading a lot either. I hope you are okay Steve!

LuLu how are things going at work? Are the new people working out okay? How is Fresser? riding away gf? I am so proud of you....Miss Biker Chick!!! How is the family and Chuckaroo?

Jan...way cool about crossing your that just the bomb? I swear you are going to get sore in places you didn't know as you become addicted to crossing your legs! I am looking forward to meeting you in LA. BTW....I am 109 miles east of LA. are you feeling Miss New Stomach? Cool about getting a flat screen for the is all going to be so decked out that you are going to want to be going going going all the time!

Kim in Fontana...I hope you are doing super fantastic too!

Linda I hope you went to the ER...that could be very dangerous gf....I mean you can't hold water even.....just get better soon! BTW....loved the blouse picture and you must pass it on once you lose out of it like Jean and Monica told you!

Willa...good on you for those size 10's that is just awesome is all I can say!

Joy and you making it to the onderlands already...OMG it seemed to take forever for me! I am so happy for you that you are rockin that tool and it is paying off!

Jean how you be gf? You looked so bright and chipper...okay as usual!!! Did you have a good weekend?

Sue...whats up chicken butt? How is that Miss Sammi doing? Loved the new pictures of her and you...OMG you look gorgeous! following doctors orders? I hope so....we don't want you back in the hospital either.

Lola...6 mile run? OMG are scaring me in a good way! I am so proud of you...imagine soon you are going to say...I ran 26 miles or whatever a marathon miles wow wow!!!! Did you ever think? I am so proud of you!

Kim how is that knitting coming along? I am telling you...would you post some pics of your work? I sure would love to see it. BTW...are you going to the convention?

Catt....I know I told you this...but you look great in your swimsuit and very proud of you for doing the triathalon...that is just incrediable!!! I am such a schlub and could never do anything like that. I use to be such an exerciser, but that last motorcycle accident...well never got the same stamina back. But you are young and healthy...and you just go girl!

Chris are things going in your neck of the woods? How are the kids doing? I can't remember if they moved or not.

Chris are things up and about in the Antioch area? I hear it is getting cold up in the bay area. What is that? LOL It was still right around 100 yesterday. Although when it gets in the 80's we are gripping it is cooling off and have to wear long pants!

Katt how did the training go with your new job. I do not think I saw you post anymore about that.  Hope it is going okay. is the new job? You like it and did you get things straightened out about what shift you're going to be taking? Was the SD lunch this weekend? How did that go?

Vicki....hi gf!!! Swear each day I work on the collage with the are always in the back of my mind. Are you planning on taking any courses the next semester? Hope Mike and the family are doing good.

Jodi...I am waving at you!

Turtlegirl....follow what people are saying about not need to up your protien and log your would be surprised about what you are eating. Although I would not worry too much at this point as plateaus are common. You have done great so far!

Jess how is it going? Did you have that low keyed weekend? Loved that read in that link you posted from the R&R board. Takes all kinds to make up the world eh?

Little is your granddaughter doing? BTW....looking hot in the hot pink top and sexy black skirt gf!! Keep up the great work!

Well I do not know who I am missing...okay a lot of you, but it doesn't mean I do not is just all that I can remember at this time of the morning!

Have a great day everyone....I know I am!

PEACE OUT!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 10/26/08 9:45 pm - El Cajon, CA
Good Morning Janine & Everyone,
I am so glad the mural is all done and you are happy with it. Now just give those fingers some TLC.
The work thing, well Friday I was told I am doing day shift. The problem the other lady had with it was she couldnt keep her same weekends off. No one on the PM shift really likes her, she is a sour person. So the PM shift supervisor was trying to convince her to switch her weekends of talk to the AM staff to see if any of them would be willing to switch. She even offered to help her try. Soooo if she gets her way I will be on PMs, but as of this very minute I am on days. Like I told them where ever you need me. I am rocking the boat enough with my surgery I am not going to say no you said I could have days. UGH I dunno.
The San Diego lunch was nice. We had a good turn out and I think everyone had fun. I didnt have as much as I could of my fur baby is sick. I already lost her sister like 6 months ago and now I am going to lose her. She got real bad Satuday morning, trouble breathing and all that. Mom is going to call the vet for me today, so I am rather blah and have been all weekend.
Oh well a new week begins......2 more days of training in a classroom then off to the jail full time. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

Jean L.
on 10/26/08 10:18 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and crew
Thanks for the great shout out (as usual) - you just better take care of those hands and fingers.

The weekend is on its way and I am so excited to see and meet everyone in LA - its gonna be a blast for sure.

Yesterday was a total lazy day for me - just stayed home all day and caught up on all the DVR programs I had recorded.

Today I am headed to downtown LB for yet another Workmans Comp hearing.  I have been battling this work comp case for 6 years - the "other side", the defense, just has not wanted to settle.  I think they have just kept stalling hoping I would give up (that will never happen).  So today is yet another hearing.  I have to be there in case my attorney needs to ask me anything but I don't go into the actual hearing room.  I just sit in the coffee shop in the building and do nothing.  Please say lots of prayers and keep fingers crossed that this battle is coming to an end.  My attorney seems to think they are ready to settle and they told me "you have a lot of money coming".  That would be nice....If I got enough to put away for some plastics next year I would be on cloud nine.  Even though I would have to pay money back to Social Security I don't care - I just want this case settled and over with....

So thats it for my day - nothing but hurry up and wait.  At least I have a new book I will take..

Heres hoping everyone has a great Monday - don't work to hard and just remember Friday is just around the corner.

Hugs to all...
Living Life
on 10/26/08 10:26 pm - Riverside, CA
Good Morning Janine and the rest of you wonderful peeps....

Janine, I think I will drive up with Rhonda so we can see your work frist hand. It look great in the pictures, I bet it will bring tears to our eyes in "person".

The new girls are working out great. So far I have only worked with one of them, and she is wonderful, picks every thing up fast and retane it for more then 5 seconds. The other two girls, I have only heard good things about also. So I guess they are doing good also. YAY!

Fresser is doing great. The other day my sister got her a couple costums for halloween. I have pictures and will share them tomorrow. She is so flipping cute and she seemed to not mind being all dressed up. If I was not working this coming thrusday, I would take her to the radio station and entry her the contest. Maybe next year?

Tomorrow, I go to my abuse appointment, and I am so happy that I can report my back is doing great. The pain is down to like 2 or 3 with a few spikes up to 6 or 7, but very few. YAY! Its still very tried by the end of my shift, but like I said yesterday, once i get home and I am able to relax my back, the pain melts aways.

Yesterday I was corrected about what I posted about Vitamins D, so I am going to share that with you all.
I have been working on my levels for 4 years now. That was a good article you posted, not sure where you got it, but it was good. Some key things to think about with the vit d and RNY.

1.Our insentric factor is by-passed, meaning we can not convert the sunshine to the D3 that it needs to be.
2.We (I) can not absorb the 50,000 UI of D in gel capsule form as we do not absorb fats anymore. Especially if you doing low or no fat diets. Vit D needs fat to carry it into your system.
3. PTH needs to be checked and watched with the Vit D also.....
  I hope this helps you all. No matter how wrong I was yesterday, vitamin D along with all the other vitamins are very importent. So please take them.

OK time for coffee and a shower. And yes, I wish I can do them at the same time. But I just have not figured out how to do that yet. I guess its work in progress.

Take care one and all.

Smile and snicker and when you can laugh our loud. Even if its at yourself.

Janine J.
on 10/26/08 10:34 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
I don't get it LuLu...Rhonda said she has already seen it. I do not remember ever saying where it was.  I'm In A Fog 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 10/26/08 10:36 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,

So yesterday my child took a nice nap and I took the time to do a bit of a clean up and change clothes.  I noticed when I came back to sit in the recliner that I had some wet spots on my shirt and thought I splashed on something.  Well nope I sprung a leak.  I have a hole the size of a pin head and orange liquid was pouring out of it like nothing I have ever seen before.  I shouted for my mother to come help me.  The poor thing was on the potty and came rushing out with everything around her knees.  If I wasn't so freaked at the time it would have been very funny as she waddled back and forth getting me a towel.  I called and spoke with a nurse who contacted the doc on call.  Of course as many of you know this is very normal.  I have to do a follow up call today, but can say now it is down to a trickle.  When will this end?

Everyone enjoy the day


Jean L.
on 10/26/08 10:39 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Oh Monica
I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this.....I wish there was something I could do to make you all better.....thank god you have your mom to help  you....what a blessing.  I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers my friend...just take it easy and don't over do it....
Janel B
on 10/27/08 12:25 am - Oakley, CA
Hey Mon,

I so can relate to you freaking out over that "leak" you sprung! I was the exact same way. There are times even now, when I think I feel something and it's nothing.....what I call a "phantom leak!"

Bless your heart, girl.......hang in there, it gets better!
Steve J.
on 10/26/08 10:41 pm, edited 10/26/08 11:05 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Back-To-Work Monday to you and all the Crew Janine!

I'm with you on is it Friday yet Janine! LOL Weekend went by TOO damn fast for me. Got a call from my brother Saturday morning that they had internet issues. Went over to see what the problem was and ended up there all day (their router died and we got/installed a new one). D came over later in the afternoon and we stayed for dinner. So I had to rush around all day yesterday trying to get everything on my agenda done in one day instead of two. Next Saturday is the OH event in LA and I had added things
to this weekend to compensate for that. Whew! Got it all done though!

Speaking of getting it done.... CONGRATULATIONS on completing the mural J... you da woman, that's for sure! And I know you are pleased to get it done on your timeframe before October was over. You are one amazing lady!
Can you believe Friday is Halloween and the end of October? Wow, where DOES the time go? Friday is Depot day for me as an Inspector for the election. Have to leave work at 1 to pick up the bag of materials for my poll and then meet the principal at the school where the poll is to inventory the supplies that should be there by then. Have to call all my poll workers, the principal and my recruiter at the registrars office today and tomorrow to make sure we all all on the same page and ready for Nov 4th!

Guess that's about it for me this morning. Wishing you and all the Cali Crew a great Monday J!


Chris S.
on 10/26/08 11:04 pm - Chula Vista, CA
Morning Janine and Cali!  I'm back to work for a full week .. .and then out most of next week because my mom and sister are coming - my nephew gets back from West Pac next week so we are all meeting the ship.  My BIL flew to Hawaii to do the Tiger Cruise back with his son - so that will be fun.  The kids are still waiting for the "ok MOVE" call - the guy who does the processing has been gone for a month but should be back Friday and things are supposed to get moving again - I HOPE!

Take care of those fingers Janine!  You did such a fabulous job - I'm in awe!


Travelin' down the road to skinny!
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