Broken foot or at least badly bruised
Ok, I either really badly bruised my foot or maybe even broke it at the kids soccer game yesterday. Son was practicing in the goal before the game. Went to kick it to him, shoe came off, I kicked the ball and my foot dug into the ground about half way up the foot. Didnt take the shoe off but kept my foot up during the game. Just got last night, kept it up and putting ice on it. Its black and blue, swollen and hurts like heck. Trying to see how bad it is before I go spend hours and probably the night in ER "waiting" to see a doctor. Even called the Urgent Care and the Xray tech is not there on weekends so the ER really is my only choice. Called a friend of mine who was an emergency room nurse, he said to keep it up and iced. If it is truly broken they cant cast it until the swelling goes down. The neighor brought over crutches. Remembered that my 9 year old was just given liquid pain meds (APAP/Codine) for a kidney cyst. Thinking I can take a swig of it for pain while I wait to see how bad my foot really is. Anyone take APAP Codine? I am 6 months post.
The APAP/ Codeine is is the same thing as Vicodin 5-500, so yes we can take it for pain as it's not an NSAID. Jus****ch the amount you take, as it can make you loopier than the pill form. I say this as a "legal drug dealer (pharmacy And get checked ASAP for the foot.

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Oh my skinny (not saggy) friend. You sound like me doing sily stuff, but wasn't it fun and a great thought? lol. I am sorry about your foot. If you need me to make you some soup and bring it to you, let me know, I make a mean soup! That shoots you and me walking together any time soon. lol. If you need anything you give me a call and I will come and help out. You take care.