I laid the last tile about 5:45 last night!!!
Well Cali Crew who have following the saga of my mural.....I laid the last tile about 5:45 last night!!!!
Can you say I am thrilled or what???
I had a super interesting day there yesterday with all the elementary students. In fact at one point, I did not know if I was going to be able to lay all the times which was my goal.
The kids were hillarious!!! Class by class the teachers brought their students out to meet me and I sat and explained to all them why this was done and for who. They asked super intelligent questions...I am telling you I was blown away for sure...questions like....how many tiles do you estimate are on the wall...I am talking this was a 3rd grader. Then in one class...this boy raised his hand and he proceed to say.....I do not have a question, but just wanted to say WOOOOOOOW! His teacher and I looked at each other and I have to tell you all....that wow made it all worth the long hours, sore hands, aching back....being behind in everything else in my life...having the money stolen for supplies for this mural...you name it!
Today Jeff and I are going there to begin grouting the wall. It should take us 2 days for full completion.
My goal was to have it done in this month as it is Breast Cancer awareness month and that I wanted to have it done before I went to LA. I met that goal and could not be more pleased!
I will have pictures for you soon....and again...I cannot thank you all enough for all the kind words, the support you name it through thisWell have a great day everyone....and thanks again so much for being there for me through this!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).