good Sat Morning Cali crew

Katt M.
on 10/25/08 4:09 am - Fontana, CA
Good morning Lisa and Cali! I'm getting a late start this morning. Today is what would have been my daddy's 70th birthday and I am kind of weepy. We lost him 12 1/2 years ago and I still miss him so much. Nothing much on the agenda today, except the dreaded grocery shopping. I was hoping to get out to San Diego for lunch, but that's not going to happen since I got up late. I hope everyone has a great day.

Janine - I'm glad you got the chance to sleep in. You so deserve some down time to rest.
Monica - I pray that you're feeling better soon.
Lisa - good luck on your move.
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
*KiminFontana* *.
on 10/25/08 5:41 am - Fontana, CA
Good afternoon Cali...
I wish everybody in the above posts speedy recovery and much needed rest.  Our worlds are all connected by the little or big scars on our tummys and our needs have all been the same at one time or another.   I await my days of REALLY LIVING again.

I myself am still battleing water retention...5 days post-op and not a single pound down, atleast according to the scale.  I gots smarts enough to know that something has to be comming off because, if I am correct, my intake is about 400 cal.  Most of us have been on the diets that allow only 400 cal a Medi/OptiFast.  So I know I'm fine with nutrition and I get plenty of water in also.  I actually feel pretty clear's the staying quiet and not doing chores and extra-curricular activities thats driving me nutz.  I have ADD, so I am usually into some kind of trouble or
Evreybody have a good rest of the day...
Kim in Fontana
on 10/25/08 7:12 am - Ventura, CA
Kim, I've always heard that you shouldn't weigh yourself for the first 2 weeks after surgery.  With all the fluids they pump in you at the hospital, it takes a while to get it all out, and that can play tricks on your mind.  I say have someone take the scale away from you for a while, and in a week when you get it back, limit yourself to weighing yourself on Wednesday mornings only.  It's worked out well for me.  Good luck!
*KiminFontana* *.
on 10/25/08 7:24 am - Fontana, CA
Candy..I think that is an excellant idea..I hadn't heard of it before.  I will be a good girl and not weigh..but if someone tries to take my scale..I may have to hide it from 
I am feeling so good that I am joking to my freinds that I think the surgeon just poked holes in me...stapled them up and sent me home, 
I feel
thank you again...Kim in Fontana
on 10/25/08 7:23 am - Ellensburg, WA
Good afternoon Lisa and Cali crew!!! I just got back from the SD lunch and we had a nice turnout. And the biggest surprise is that my hubby went (he never goes anywhere)!!  See girls, he really does exist! lol   It was great to see everyone and nice to meet Linda!
I loved work last night!!! I jus****ched and probably will for a couple of days, but there is so much to learn, it is kind of overwhelming right now!! I know I'm going to love it though! I definitely need new glasses though!!!  lol 
I gotta go get ready to go to work now. Looks like 4-midnight is going to be my schedule for now and with me asking off for next weekends LA convention, I'm doing 7 in a row!!! I will be sooooo ready for next weekend by the time it comes! lol
Have a great rest of the weekend everyone and thanks for all the well wishes yesterday. You are all soooooo SWEET!!!!
love and bigg huggs, Becky 

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



on 10/25/08 9:31 am - La Mesa, CA

Hi Becky,
I was glad to see your post on this sight, as I am from La Mesa, and have been looking for a support group (Other than at Kaiser Positive Choice) and was hoping that maybe I could be added to your list. ????? I really do need some "positive" influences.

My class,  from Kaiser, gets together every once in a while, but they are not the best influence to be around... (eating cookies, chips, egg fu young) Grrrrrrr, I could just scream!!!

Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you, OR anyone else in the area!!!!


Maureen N.
on 10/25/08 10:50 am - Redding, CA
Howdy all.  I'm here today but that's about all.  I'm grumpy cranky and borderline bi*chy!  I don't like it at all.  I have a headache and a pain in my side that is just there.  No appetite and just blah.  I really think I need to go do something fun.  Oh, and that pain is a big ole gas bubble stuck sideways.  It'll move soon I hope.

I'm drinking my water - but today for some reason I keep trying to gulp.  I am just sipping, but twice now I have had to spit out a mouthful because my brain said gulp and I caught myself 1/2 way through.  Geeze.

Our back lawn is...................GREEN!  After letting it die for the last 9 months, hacking out all the crab grass, rototilling it, new seed and topsoil................ we have brand new baby grassies out there.  It looks so good.

I went through my closet today and sorted out the too big and the no-way-in-hell things that have been lurking back there.  You know ...... the "old lady" tops because that's all that would fit.   Say Good-Bye!  I have 3 big boxes ready to go.  1 bag went to the trash and I took all my sweaters and dresses out to be washed.  The dogs kept bringing in loads of dust from the back yard.  They're all getting a bath tonight and hopefully that problem will be solved. 

My halloween costume is done and so is Jaydens.  We're going trick or treating together this Friday!  Then at 9 we go down to daddy's work and trick or treat there!  It'll be so much fun!

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