good Sat Morning Cali crew
Janine - I'm glad you got the chance to sleep in. You so deserve some down time to rest.
Monica - I pray that you're feeling better soon.
Lisa - good luck on your move.

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~

I wish everybody in the above posts speedy recovery and much needed rest.

I myself am still battleing water retention...5 days post-op and not a single pound down, atleast according to the scale. I gots smarts enough to know that something has to be comming off because, if I am correct, my intake is about 400 cal. Most of us have been on the diets that allow only 400 cal a Medi/OptiFast. So I know I'm fine with nutrition and I get plenty of water in also. I actually feel pretty clear's the staying quiet and not doing chores and extra-curricular activities thats driving me nutz.

Evreybody have a good rest of the day...

Kim in Fontana

I am feeling so good that I am joking to my freinds that I think the surgeon just poked holes in me...stapled them up and sent me home,

I feel

thank you again...Kim in Fontana
I loved work last night!!! I jus****ched and probably will for a couple of days, but there is so much to learn, it is kind of overwhelming right now!! I know I'm going to love it though! I definitely need new glasses though!!! lol
I gotta go get ready to go to work now. Looks like 4-midnight is going to be my schedule for now and with me asking off for next weekends LA convention, I'm doing 7 in a row!!! I will be sooooo ready for next weekend by the time it comes! lol
Have a great rest of the weekend everyone and thanks for all the well wishes yesterday. You are all soooooo SWEET!!!!
love and bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Hi Becky,
I was glad to see your post on this sight, as I am from La Mesa, and have been looking for a support group (Other than at Kaiser Positive Choice) and was hoping that maybe I could be added to your list. ????? I really do need some "positive" influences.
My class, from Kaiser, gets together every once in a while, but they are not the best influence to be around... (eating cookies, chips, egg fu young) Grrrrrrr, I could just scream!!!
Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you, OR anyone else in the area!!!!
I'm drinking my water - but today for some reason I keep trying to gulp. I am just sipping, but twice now I have had to spit out a mouthful because my brain said gulp and I caught myself 1/2 way through. Geeze.
Our back lawn is...................GREEN! After letting it die for the last 9 months, hacking out all the crab grass, rototilling it, new seed and topsoil................ we have brand new baby grassies out there. It looks so good.
I went through my closet today and sorted out the too big and the no-way-in-hell things that have been lurking back there. You know ...... the "old lady" tops because that's all that would fit. Say Good-Bye! I have 3 big boxes ready to go. 1 bag went to the trash and I took all my sweaters and dresses out to be washed. The dogs kept bringing in loads of dust from the back yard. They're all getting a bath tonight and hopefully that problem will be solved.
My halloween costume is done and so is Jaydens. We're going trick or treating together this Friday! Then at 9 we go down to daddy's work and trick or treat there! It'll be so much fun!