just starting the process
Hi Trukerzgal,
Have you heard anything from your insurance company yet? I haven't had a chance to call mine yet and see what the requirements are but I will on Monday. Thanks for all your help with the questions that I had. I'm live in Modesto. Hope to talk to ya soon. Have a great Halloween.
Have you heard anything from your insurance company yet? I haven't had a chance to call mine yet and see what the requirements are but I will on Monday. Thanks for all your help with the questions that I had. I'm live in Modesto. Hope to talk to ya soon. Have a great Halloween.
Congratulations!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you. I hope my stuff goes as quickly as yours. I can't believe they were able to schedule your surgery so quickly after being approved. I'm hoping that I can get mine scheduled that quick. I've already made my deductible for this year. Take Care
Netbrat (Kristi)
Netbrat (Kristi)
I am also new to this site and have been hooked to it for 2 days!!! Anyhoo, I will have Blue Shield PPO at the beginning of the year and hoping to have WLS soon after. And that is where I am. I have an HMO right now....should I go to the psyc, nutritionist, and my pcp right now. Will BS take reports from them or should i just wait until the first of the year?? I am excited and scared. I did join WW again.....and am going to try and lose some weight before then oh and start exercising too. Any advice will be gladly appreciated.