Getting Nervous about my PS
Lets get together soon!! Are you available anytime next week??
Would be ok to get together next week, but I am in a sling and this contraption for 5 more weeks and then 2 more weeks of the sling alone. I'm not going to be driving anywhere soon. I have severe osteoporosis and I can't move my arm very much at all. The docs are trying to let some scar tissue build around the bone. Basically I am a good looking, tho rather flabby almost 60 yr old woman, who feels 35 in a ninety year old body! Boy do I understand about placing loose skin in a bra, not a pretty sight with or without a bra. Keep in touch and I will send you my personal email.
Hugs, Diane
Heather I know for me I had to not think about having it done because if I did, I probably would have chickened out with the amount of surgery I had to reconstruct me. It is normal for everything you are going through. We'll see how you are feeling so soon after PS to come and visit...I do not know all you are having done in one procedure....but do know a lot of us have been there and as horrible as you might think you are going to feel and that you might never feel like you are not going to hurt goes away and you are left with a killer body!!!!
Good luck and make sure someone can post as to how you are doing!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
I truly appreciate all of your support. You are so right about focusing on what I will look like after I have the plastic surgery instead of focusing on the surgery itself. Maybe if I could picture myself like one of those girls that Becky posted would make me feel better. LOL Thank you for your wealth of knowledge and support. You are one of the reasons I always turn to the boards for support. You will always hand out sound advice!!!!
And it is NOT cosmetic... it's reconstructive and just the second step to restoring one's body to it's fullest potential. I will tell you (I had my 'work' done three months ago) you'll feel great about all you've accomplished. Seeing everything through is a wonderful feeling. It's not vanity. I wasn't sure what I would look like... if I'd like my doctor's work etc and pain. That was my concern. It's not easy but I felt necessary. The days go by fast.
My best to you,
Thank you for your support and sharing your experience. I do need to get it out of mind head that this is cosmetic and recognize that this is reconstruction. Thank you!! I needed to hear that. Like Janel said, I am feeling guilty about spending the money. Trying to find some way to justify the cost. But I have decided, by all of your support, that I am worth this. Worth finishing my journey of weightloss.
I am glad to hear you are doing so well at 3 months post op. I am going to go check out your profile now!! LOL I hope you have posted pics!!!!
Hola Heather!
I read your post and the replies..and thought aww she's gonna be fine..then I thought again about something... when I read your reply to Katt about Curves..and to Becky about SD.. woman you have paid some dues.. pre op and post have made a commitment to this and stuck to it.. you have continued to support your family, your girls, your Mamma and your husband all the while finding time to post here supporting and encouraging others. You dont need to feel guilty deserve the reward of all your hard work. I am truly happy for you and wish you nothing but the best and may you be blessed with a speedy recovery.
(((Heather Hugs)))