on 10/22/08 9:44 am - Sweat City, CA
I was thinking about finding an exercise you like and just doing it.  I was remembering about my first bike.  My older sisters' had the new ones and I got the hand-me-downs.  I got the light blue Schwinn.  Now this was in the days before hand brakes and ten-speeds.  We used to decorate them and put playing cards in the spokes for noise.  We even decorated them, with crepe paper, for the bike parades in town.  Man I loved that bike.  I rode it everywhere.  I still think fondly of that bike. 

I was thinking about Cloris Leachman on DWTS.  (Okay, my mind wanders)  Can she dance? Yes.  Is she enjoying herself? Absolutely.  Is she getting ALOT of exercise? Absolutely!!  She is 80-something and is doing what she enjoys and doing it well. 

So what are your dreams.  What do you think about when no one else is around?  What did you enjoy as a child?
Set your Goals high, and don't stop till you get there. ~Bo Jackson~
on 10/22/08 5:00 pm - Brentwood, CA
My husband and I have been thinking a LOT about this lately.  It started with us wanting to get our youngest into regular exercise that wasn't a chore (i.e. P.E. at school - though we are very grateful he has that every day).  My hubby suggested tennis one day when reading through the city parks & rec magazine and my son was interested.  Now my sonis finishing his second class and not only does he love it, but he is pretty darned good. 

The cool thing that happened was that my hubby and I both became very interested in learning as we watched my son learn.  While we were talking to the teacher a couple days ago about the next session (he is turning 13 next month & we wondered if he should move up an age level).  She said that he should definitely move & that she has recently combined her beginning and intermediate adult classes.  Well, this got me thinking and the next thing you know we are all three planning on taking that class!  I am really excited too - I haven't learned a new sport in forever and can't wait to see what I can learn/do with this new body! lol

The best thing is that we all are exercising more and doing things we really like/are interested in, which is (I hope) going to be the ticket to long term fitness.

Cathy C.
"One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best." Jane Austen

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