Hair Loss After Plastics????

on 10/21/08 9:42 pm
talk to your docs. The supplemented protein shakes are not digested thru the body like eating food proteins, these are predigested.....already broken down for you body and go right thru to the blood sysem......
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Janine J.
on 10/21/08 6:57 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
I lost a ton of hair Janel through the 5 surgeries I had for reconstruction and have never really re-couped it. I use to have really nice thick I do is kind of a bummer. I also lost a lot of hair too when I went back to eating the way I do. Don't know what to tell you. I know it is partly due to the anesthesia in your case.

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Janel B
on 10/22/08 12:29 am - Oakley, CA
I know that when I lost it last time, after the RNT, using Nioxin shampoo and conditioner, and taking Omega 3 pills really did the trick because not only did I lose hair, but it was dry and kinky looking. All that just helped make it look smoother and since I have so much hair, no one noticed it. In fact I'd have people say, you styled your hair different, I like it! lol!

Now, it's just falling out...I'm not getting that kinky look, just the hair loss. So, I'm going to go back to my old regimen, and then see what happens. This too shall pass!!
on 10/22/08 2:41 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
Hey Janel!

The doctor said to expect hair loss by the third month out. I've recently noticed some of mine going in the last couple of weeks. I just wash my hair every other day and don't over do it with styling products. I know it'll come back as short annoying pieces in a few months. My doctors said keep the protein up and take Biotin even though there's no proof on results of Biotin use. Just keep your usual vitamins up. And it's caused by Anesthesia and trauma to the body.

I may be up in the bay area for the holidays... would be fun to meet up! I'm working out he plans now.

Take care,
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Janel B
on 10/22/08 3:53 am - Oakley, CA
It would be great to see you!

Yeah, I'm very careful with my hair, too, and because it tends to run dry, I don't blow dry it, but let it dry naturally, and just lightly flat iron it.

I fiured it must be from the anesthesia and the whole trauma thing too. Because I'm really good about my protein intake.

I'm so excited about seeing you!!!
* JuneCleaver *
on 10/24/08 7:00 am

I'm only about a week behind you from PS but I haven't had any hair loss problems yet.  I did have about 2 months of hair loss issues after my WLS but it was never really bad.  I'm hoping that I will get through that 3-6 month post-op window without too much of a hair loss problem.


Lap RNY 6/7/07 (Consult -196 / Current - 111.2) 
LBL/BA 8/13/08  
Coccygectomy 3/09

Janel B
on 10/24/08 8:38 am - Oakley, CA
I'm just hoping it stops soon....looks like a cat died in my shower!!
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