OT - I'm bragging about my youngest daughter
It's me, the lurker. I would apologize for bragging but I can't help myself. My daughter, Lexie is 11. She is intelligent, talented and sadly overweight.
Lexie saw her pediatrician a couple of months ago and the doc mentioned that she had a awesome nutritionist that came to her office once a month. The doc confided that she had hired the nutritionist (Jennifer) for herself but knew some of her patients needed help with weight issues as well.
Lexie saw her and liked her a lot. Jennifer is young and sweet. She gave Lexie a program to follow and the first month she lost 11 pounds. Today, Lexie weighed in again and she lost another 11 pounds. She is so tickled with herself. She really wanted to lose weight and is very accountable for her actions. She is fitting into clothes that she hasn't been able to wear in a year.
I am so PROUD of her! I know from experience how hard it is to lose weight and especially at the age of 11. The last 11 pounds her treat was a pedicure and this time she wants a pedicure and a manicure. Last month her arm was in a cast and she couldn't have a manicure. Today the cast came off but she still isn't healed completely and has a soft cast. Woo Hoo she can bathe all the way.
Thanks for letting me go on about her. She is a wonderful girl!!!
Now that is one awesome reason to come out from lurking!!! Lexie is my new hero!!!!With that determination Lauren...your daughter will go far in life! And you go ahead and brag away....she is not my daughter and I am dang proud of her!!!
How are you doing? The family?
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Lauren - you have given Lexie an amazing gift here. My weight issues started at about 11 years old. My mom freaked out (as she had weight issues too) and rather than supporting and encouraging me she made me feel like I would be unloved and lonely my whole life if I was fat. Then she completely confused me by swinging from having me on ridiculously low calorie diets (like 900 calories a day) to living in denial and eating anything.
You (with the help of the doc and the nut) have given Lexie the encouragement, power and belief that she can make changes with her weight & health and feel great about them.
We all need to work to do this with our kids who have weight issues. Let's encourage them and believe in them so they can get and stay healthy!!! Maybe we, as parents who have struggled, can be the biggest keys in reducing the childhood obesity levels in our country (heck, the world!).
Cathy C.